在上述代码中,inputValue是组件的状态(state),通过handleChange方法将输入框的值更新到状态(state)中,通过handleClear方法将状态(state)重置为空,从而清除输入值。 使用非受控组件:在React中,也可以使用非受控组件来清除输入值。非受控组件是指不将输入框的值绑定到组件的状态(state),而是通过ref来获取输入框的值。
在React中,可以通过使用状态管理来实现Clear按钮清除输入但不重置数组元素的功能。以下是一个可能的实现方式: 首先,在React组件的状态中定义一个数组,用于存储输入的值。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 state = { inputValues: [] }; 在输入框的onChange事件中,将输入的值添加到数组中:...
const clearForm = () => { //清空表单的值 setFormValues({ ...formValues }); }; return ( <form> <input type="text" value={formValues.name} onChange={(e) => setFormValues({ ...formValues, name: e.target.value })} /> <input type="email" value={formValues.email} onChange={...
<input type="text" value={num} onChange={(e) => { setNum(e.target.value); }} /> <h2>{getNum()}</h2> </div> ); } export default App;此时当time更新,就会导致组件重新渲染,致使getNum函数一直在重新调用,但获取的num的值却没有变化。那么我们就可以使用useMemo这个Hook。
import { Input } from 'react-chat-elements' inputReferance = React.createRef() ;<Input referance={inputReferance} placeholder='Type here...' multiline={true} value={inputValue} rightButtons={<Button color='white' backgroundColor='black' text='Send' />} /> // Clear text, e.g.: ...
Added back thehelpTextprop onCustomInputcomponent (if theCustomInputhas theerrorprop set, thehelpTextwil have error color, if thesuccessprop is set onCustomInputthen thehelpTextwill have success color) Deleted theClear(icon that appeared onerrorforCustomInput) andCheck(icon that appeared onsuccessfor...
inputValueif enable search, you can set default input's value, if set to null, auto clear input value when finish select/unselect operationstring/null'' defaultValueinitial selected treeNode(s)same as value type- valuecurrent selected treeNode(s).normal: String/Array. labelInValue: {value:St...
clearOnSelectbooltrueIf true, andsearchable, search value will be cleared upon value select/de-select namestringnullIf set, input type hidden would be added in the component with the value of thenameprop as name and select'svaluesas value ...
type State = {text: string;};class App extends React.Component<Props, State> {state = {text: "",};// 在 = 的右侧输入onChange = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => {this.setState({ text: e.currentTarget.value });};render() {return (<div><input type="text" value...