// //check if there is a token in local storage // const user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")); // console.log(user); // if (user !== undefined && user !== null) { // dispatch({ type: "LOGIN", payload: { user } }); // } // }, []); console.log("authCo...
if(value.checked==true){ //value.checked 也可写成这个 return(<likey={key}>{value.title}--删除) } }) }); } }exportdefaultTodoList; 【App.js】 importReactfrom'react';import'./App.css';importDemofrom'./components/todolistOk'functionApp() {return(<Demo/>); }exportdefaultApp; 效果:(...
{ key: 'root', // 使用这个方法,数据将会被存储在localStorge中,永久有效 storage, }; const userPersistConfig = { key: 'user', // 使用这个方法,数据将会被存储在sessionStorage中,关闭浏览器后失效 storage: session, }; // 全局的持久化配置 const rootReducer = combineReducers({ user: persist...
HTML5后提出sessioStorage、localStorage,那么我们来看看三者的区别(大致了解下,不是本博文重点)。 cooking Cookie的大小是受限的,并且每次你请求一个新的页面的时候Cookie都会被发送过去,这样无形中浪费了带宽,另外cookie还需要指定作用域,不可以跨域调用。 SessionStorage: 将数 整个...
To learn React, check out the React documentation.Code SplittingThis section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/code-splittingAnalyzing the Bundle SizeThis section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/analyzing-the-bundle-size...
Create countdown timers using useCountdown. useIsClient Determine whether the code is running on the client-side or server-side with useIsClient. useQueue Add, remove, and clear element from a queue data structure with useQueue. useHover ...
Each update (merge/set/clear/etc) made to the local storage is logged with the data that was written or erased. Check the state of the local storage at a certain point in time and compare it with it's previous state. Currently this tool is only available on Web. Installing the extensio...
checkUpdate();//检查是否有更新(检查一次) HotUpdateCus.checkUpdateLoop();//持续检查是否有更新 后台json配置: { "ios-lx_yyt-2.0.7":{//这key是这样设置,ios:"ios-" + HotUpdate.tag + "-" + packageVersion = "lx_yyt-2.0.7";android:"android-" + HotUpdate.tag + "-" + packageVersion...
React Native Siren Harpy React Native Siren Verion Check App Store se09deluca• 0.0.5 • 3 years ago • 5 dependents • MITpublished version 0.0.5, 3 years ago5 dependents licensed under $MIT 68,478 react-native-app-onboard React Native App Onboard is a customizable, easy-to-use...