function MyButton() { function handleClick() { alert('You clicked me!'); } return ( <button onClick={handleClick}> Click me </button> ); } Notice how onClick={handleClick} has no parentheses at the end! Do not call the event handler function: you only need to pass it down. Re...
function MyButton() { function handleClick() { alert('You clicked me!'); } return ( <button onClick={handleClick}> Click me </button> ); } Notice how onClick={handleClick} has no parentheses at the end! Do not call the event handler function: you only need to pass it down. Re...
Cloud Studio代码运行 importuseSWR,{useSWRConfig}from'swr'functionApp(){const{mutate}=useSWRConfig()return(<div><Profile/><button onClick={()=>{// 将 cookie 设置为过期document.cookie='token=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;'// 告诉所有具有该 key 的 SWR 重新验证mutate(...
import{ThemeContext,themes}from'./theme-context';importThemedButtonfrom'./themed-button';// An intermediate component that uses the ThemedButtonfunctionToolbar(props){return(<ThemedButton onClick={props.changeTheme}>Change Theme</ThemedButton>);}classAppextendsReact.Component{constructor(props){super(...
<Buttontype="primary"className="login_btn"onClick={this.userLogin}>登录</Button> 1. 上面是点击登录按钮 到时候去调用userLogin 这个函数: userLogin=e=>{ console.log("用户开始登录"); } 1. 2. 3. 所有代码如下: UserLogin.js importReactfrom'react' ...
const[count,setCount]=React.useState(0);return(<button onClick={()=>setCount(count+1)}>Currentvalue: {count}</button>);} exportdefaultCounter; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 注意,这里顶部的 'use client',这就是在告诉 React 这是一个客户端组件,应该包含在 JS...
The new functionality insert ionButton inside ionSelect work noramly to visualize but when is insert a function like the onClick dosen't work, the event isn't fired, have othen events that work normaly like onTouch(Start or End).
<button onClick={ this.handleClick }> // 回调函数 A button </button> ); } }复制代码 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 1.3 给事件添加参数 给事件处理函数添加参数有两种方法,箭头函数或者 bind。
注意button的onClick里要bind(this),否则,在gotoHome里的this是undefined。 当然,也可以这么写: <buttononClick={()=>{this.gotoHome()}}>跳转Home页</button> 最终目的都是要让gotoHome中的this指向正确的作用域。 5 组件引入 这章节内容也很容易,接触过vue的同学应该也很清楚,为了教程的完整性,还是简单说...
push('/page2'); } handleBack() { this.props.history.push('/'); } /* * Main render method of this class */ render() { return ( <div> {/* some component code */} <div className="navigationButtonsLeft"> <Button onClick={this.handleBack} bsStyle="success">< Back</Button> ...