React component for Bootstrap Icons. Latest version: 1.10.3, last published: 10 months ago. Start using @campusrush/react-bootstrap-icons in your project by running `npm i @campusrush/react-bootstrap-icons`. There are no other projects in the npm registr
Bootstrap's iconsconverted toreact-native-svgcomponents. Install npm install react-native-bootstrap-icons Usage importReactfrom"react";import{View}from"react-native";importCheckCircleFillIconfrom"react-native-bootstrap-icons/icons/check-circle-fill";exportdefaultfunctionComponent(){return(<View><CheckCi...
凭借在GitHub上的 88K stars(2023 年 8 月数据)和每周NPM上的 290 万次下载量(2023 年 8 月数据),MUI 是世界上最受欢迎的 React UI 库之一。 4. React Bootstrap React Bootstrap是我们老朋友 Bootstrap 在 React 中的重构版本。它是一个独立的 Bootstrap 组件的 UI 库,不依赖于 bootstrap.js 或jQuery。
Bootstrap Icons MIT 1.11.3 2716 Remix Icon Apache License Version 2.0 4.2.0 2860 Flat Color Icons MIT 1.0.2 329 Grommet-Icons Apache License Version 2.0 4.12.1 635 Heroicons MIT 1.0.6 460 Heroicons 2 MIT 2.1.3 888 Simple Icons CC0 1.0 Universal 12.14.0 3209 Simple Line Icons MIT 2.5...
npm install --save react-bootstrap-typeahead or yarn add react-bootstrap-typeahead Include the module in your project: import{Typeahead}from'react-bootstrap-typeahead';// ES2015varTypeahead=require('react-bootstrap-typeahead').Typeahead;// CommonJS ...
.react-icons{vertical-align: middle; } TypeScript native support Dependencies on@types/react-iconscan be deleted. Yarn yarn remove @types/react-icons NPM npm remove @types/react-icons Contributing ./build-script.shwill build the whole project. See also CI scripts for more information. ...
npm install --save react-bootstrap bootstrap@3 Alternatively you may use yarn: yarn add react-bootstrap bootstrap@3 Import Bootstrap CSS and optionally Bootstrap theme CSS in the beginning of your src/index.js file: import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'; import 'bootstrap/dist/css...
This is our first React component and will be used in the bootstrapping process for our React app.If we open App.tsx, we should see the following.import React from 'react';import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';import { IonApp, IonRouterOutlet } from '@ionic/react';import { Ion...
This is a list of AWESOME components. Nope, it's NOT a comprehensive list of every React component under the sun. So, what does "awesome" mean? Well: It solves a real problem It does so in a 🦄 unique, 🦋 beautiful, or 🏆 exceptional way. (And it's not super popular and we...
react-icons基于React封装的丰富的图标库 3. 工具类 react-copy-to-clipboard基于React的复制到剪切板组件 qrcode.react基于React的生成二维码的组件 nprogress适用于YouTube,Medium等的顶部进度条组件 react-syntax-highlighter基于React的代码高亮组件 react-contextmenu右键菜单组件 ...