import { InputGroup, InputGroupAddon, InputGroupText } from 'reactstrap'; import FormControl from 'react-bootstrap/FormControl'; 如果我们删除这些行和下面复制的 HTML,它不会给出任何错误。 HTML <div> <InputGroup className="mb-3"> <InputGroup.Prepend> <InputGroup.Checkbox aria-label="Checkbox f...
在Bootstrap 的早期版本中,表单元素通常包装在具有form-action类的元素中。然而,在 Bootstrap 3 中,我们只需要使用相同的form-group而不是form-action。我们将在第二章中更详细地讨论 Bootstrap 类和响应性,使用 React-Bootstrap 和 React 构建响应式主题。 这是我们完整的 HTML 代码: <div className="container...
📌📌 该版本适用于 bootstrap@5.x 和react-bootstrap@2.x。 如果你项目中使用的是 bootstrap@3.x 和react-bootstrap@0.32.x,请查看 react-bootstrap-formutil@classic 如果你项目中使用的是 bootstrap@4.x 和react-bootstrap@1.x,请查看 react-bootstrap-formutil@bs4 # npm npm install react-boot...
9 import { useBootstrapPrefix } from './ThemeProvider'; feat: Add proper Typescript support (#5251) 2 years ago 10 import { 11 BsPrefixPropsWithChildren, 12 BsPrefixRefForwardingComponent, 13 } from './helpers'; 14 15 export type FormCheckType = 'checkbox' | 'radio' | 'sw...
Fix escaping for the bootstrapScriptContent contents. (@gnoff in #24385) Significantly improve performance of renderToPipeableStream. (@gnoff in #24291)ESLint Plugin: React HooksFix false positive errors with a large number of branches. (@scyron6 in #24287) Don't consider a known ...
React Bootstrap 移动端UI库 Taro UI for React Ant Design Mobile of React TDesign React Mobile NutUI for React https:...
在下面的表单中,当我单击第一个单选按钮,然后单击第二个单选按钮时,这两个按钮都保持选中状态。我想要的行为是,当我点击单选按钮时,另一个单选按钮会自动取消选中。我正在使用带有样式的组件的React.js。 <form><input type="radio" 浏览41提问于2021-07-02得票数 1 回答已采纳 ...
ControlLabel, FormGroup, Radio, InputGroup, } from 'react-bootstrap' class InputNumber extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); var checkedList = [false, false, false]; checkedList[this.props.checked] = true; this.state = { ...
inputs: remove form package dependency pager: fix aria-label messages pdf-viewer: fix aria-label messages Rendering Changes dropdownbutton: restore class k-dropdown-button Supported Themes @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.2.0 @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.2.0 @progress/kendo-theme-materi...
React-Bootstrap is a bit different but very similar to the original Bootstrap framework. React-Bootstrap replaces the Bootstrap JavaScript, and each component has been built from scratch as a proper React component, without unneeded dependencies like jQuery. ...