我使用过 react-beautiful-dnd 的后继者@hello-pangea/dnd[140],所以我不能对它说任何负面的话(狗头)。 dnd kit[141]是一种流行的替代方案,提供了更多的灵活性和选项,但代价是学习曲线更陡峭。这个领域的另一个替代方案是react-dnd[142]。 移动开发 将React 从 Web 引入移动设备的首选解决方案仍然是React Nati...
或者,如果您通过 Reactnpm包使用 Browserify 或 WebPack,您可以将您的require()语句从require('react');改为require('react/addons')。您可以在 React 网站的https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/addons.html找到关于哪些附加组件当前可用的文档。 除了这些附加组件,还有几个社区附加组件对 React 开发非常有用...
React WeUI https://weui.github.io/react-weui/docs/#/react-weui/docs/page/1/articles/0 Zarm Design React https://zarm.design/#/components/button FAQ 常用的HTML标签有哪些? 行内元素和块级元素有什么区别? 二、企企React·UI库 /front-theory/packages/kaleido/packages/uikit/athena-ui (提供了57...
//www.searchkit.co/docs/guides/setup-elasticsearch#connecting-with-api-key // apiKey: '###' // with a username/password // https://www.searchkit.co/docs/guides/setup-elasticsearch#connecting-with-usernamepassword //auth: { // username: "elastic", // password: "changeme" //} }, sear...
ui-kit android ios react-native-app-intro 2899 react-native-app-intro is a react native component implementing a parallax effect welcome page using base on react-native-swiper , similar to the one found in Google's app like Sheet, Drive, Docs... FuYaoDe/react-native-app-intro react-native...
We recommend using useTrnApi hook and following the types and JSDocs for signing and sending transactions. The SDK automatically recognises the authentication type and handles the wallet connection and blockchain interaction. Fetching Use hooks within @futureverse/react library Alternatively, use the FV...
UI Kit Material UIBootstrapBulmaTailwind Tailwindis a popular CSS framework that enables you to create beautiful, responsive web apps with it's utility-first approach. Authentication Firebase AuthSupabaseAuth0OtherNone Firebase Authprovides an end-to-end identity solution, supporting email and password...
React - 💻用React和Firebase打造Google Docs克隆版!新手友好教程🔥 47:49 React - 用 React、Next.js、Tailwind CSS 和 GSAP 打造炫酷动画网站!🌟💻 28:45 React - React 文件上传完整教程!📁⬆️ 25:34 React - 🔥🎉 从零开始!用 React、Next.js、TailwindCSS 和 FramerMotion 打造惊艳...
React - 💻用React和Firebase打造Google Docs克隆版!新手友好教程🔥 47:49 React - 用 React、Next.js、Tailwind CSS 和 GSAP 打造炫酷动画网站!🌟💻 28:45 React - React 文件上传完整教程!📁⬆️ 25:34 React - 🔥🎉 从零开始!用 React、Next.js、TailwindCSS 和 FramerMotion 打造惊艳...
//www.searchkit.co/docs/guides/setup-elasticsearch#connecting-with-api-key // apiKey: '###' // with a username/password // https://www.searchkit.co/docs/guides/setup-elasticsearch#connecting-with-usernamepassword //auth: { // username: "elastic", // password: "changeme" //} }, sear...