我有一个React应用程序,我将server.js中的端口号指定为 const port = process.argv[3] || 3500; 在我所写的同一文件的底部: app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Web service running on port ${port}`)); 虽然这个应用程序能够在我的浏览器中运行,但不幸的是,在我的文本编辑器的控制台中...
自己今天在使用create-react-app搭建react应用的时候,开启了两个React app,然后npm start的时候,出现something is already running on port 3000 解决方法 自己之前也遇到过这个问题,但是没有记录下来,我自己试着想,先是npm start port=3001,结果还是不对。 正确的打开方式应该是PORT=3001 npm start(这个端口只要不...
示例:我们今天要看的 github项目地址:https://github.com/lzxb/vue-cnode 1.克隆项目: git clone ...
I just ran into this problem today and it took me a couple of hours of debugging to work out what was going on... I was creating an app from scratch on port 3000 and i kept getting a html page returned that was not my own So i think the bug has cropped up again......
But nothing is already running on port 3000!!! if " localhost" is not in your host. when you run yarn start . it tell you Something is already running on port 3000 ... see detect-port#L58 the error msg should more friendly.
On the Browse With screen, select Browse.Alternatively, you can open the Run command by right-clicking the Windows Start button, and enter: msedge --remote-debugging-port=9222 or chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222The browser starts with debugging enabled. The app isn't running yet, so...
If your application is running in the development mode on localhost, in particular, if it was generated with create-react-app, you can launch a debugging session right from the Run tool window or from the built-in Terminal. Set the breakpoints in your code. Start the application in the dev...
Paste http://localhost:3000 into the URL field and save the configuration.Note: the URL may be different if you've made adjustments via the HOST or PORT environment variables.Start your app by running npm start, then press ^D on macOS or F9 on Windows and Linux or click the green ...
Paste http://localhost:3000 into the URL field and save the configuration. Note: the URL may be different if you've made adjustments via the HOST or PORT environment variables. Start your app by running npm start, then press ^D on macOS or F9 on Windows and Linux or click the green ...
2) Expose the WebSocket port The WebSocket thing is set up by exposing port 35729 to the host (-p 35729:35729). Below is an example running this with a volume mount and both ports exposed. ▶ docker container run -it -p 3000:3000 -p 35729:35729 -v $(pwd):/app react:app yarn ...