docker build -t my-app . 这将会根据Dockerfile中的定义,构建一个名为my-app的镜像。 运行Docker容器:执行以下命令运行Docker容器。 代码语言:txt 复制 docker run -p 3000:3000 my-app 这将会在本地的3000端口上运行create-react-app应用。 Docker是一种开源的容器化平台,它可以将应用程序及其依赖项打包到一...
Create React App 是 React 脚手架,它帮我们可以快速生成项目的工程化结构,脚手架让项目从搭建到开发再到部署,整个流程变得快速和便捷。 二、安装 Create React App 是官网的一个工具,通常使用全局安装,执行下面命令即可。如下 : npm i -g create-react-app 可以使用下面命令,查看 Create React App 安装的版本 ...
The Syncfusion React UI components library is a comprehensive suite of over 80 high-performance, lightweight, modular, and responsive UI components that come in a single package. Before diving into the steps of launching a Syncfusion React app in Docker, let’s look at the prerequisites you’ll...
Already set the env vars in my Docker on AWS, but the app is not using it when running. Does anyone know how I can do it? For development, I'm using the .env file. For the build, I'm putting the .env file in .dockerignore so this develop...
Already set the env vars in my Docker on AWS, but the app is not using it when running. Does anyone know how I can do it? For development, I'm using the .env file. For the build, I'm putting the .env file in .dockerignore so this develop...
react打包部署 docker react打包apk 前提准备: 1、React项目npm run build打包 打包前配置 在项目打包之前需要在package.json文件中添加"homepage": "./",,避免项目打开后出现空白页 面。 "homepage": "./", 1. 项目中的接口一定要使用在线接口,不要使用本地接口,要不然打包出来的项目仍然是空白页...
react 打包为docker镜像 react打包流程,最近想跟着教程,尝试用React做一个SPA项目。记录一下大致的流程。1.搭建react开发环境使用react-create-app脚手架,搭建react开发环境。默认已装好npm和nodejs,终端输入:>npminstall-greact-create-app>create-react-appfol
We are building an app in React Native using wix/Detox for writing e2e tests. We are using Docker for doing builds and running tests. Specifically, we're using community react-native-android Docker image. I have added fastlane to the image for building / publishing our app and now trying ...
When Docker exits, it kills all the other processes in the container, including the subprocess running your script, thus the kill -9 part in the error message. You should almost always run Docker apps with -d option, unless you only wish to execute a one-off command. Just execute docker...
构建时会在/app/build目录下生成静态文件。 2. 服务步骤: 使用nginx:alpine镜像来服务构建的静态文件。 从上一阶段复制构建的静态文件,并配置 Nginx 在 80 端口上服务这些文件。 设置Jenkins以进行CI/CD 准备好 Dockerfile 之后,下一步是进行配置 Jenkins 来自动化构建、测试和部署的过程。以下是一个定义 CI/CD...