参考:https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/adding-custom-environment-variables What other .env files can be used? Note: this feature is available with react-scripts@1.0.0 and higher. .env: Default. .env.local: Local overrides. This file is loaded for all environments except ...
test, production). This lesson explores how to use environment variables specifically with Create React App, starting with the built inNODE_ENVvariable, as well as how to create custom environment variables for your app.
The plugin can be installed with little-to-no configuration needed. Once installed, you can access the variables within your code using process.env as you would with dotenv. 就是说,在编译时,将正式代码里引用了.env文件配置的变量直接替换成对应的值,比如.env里有HOST = xxx.xxx.xxx,然后正式的 j...
meta.env.MODE === "development"){ //use dev keys } else{ //use .env variables } when in production mode import.meta.env.VITE_XX variables will load correctly, so you can add them as env variables in your deployment service and it will work fine. I've tested it with vercel and...
官网文档地址:https://www.html.cn/create-react-app/docs/adding-custom-environment-variables/ dotenv配置与使用:https://juejin.cn/post/6917794798732574733 dotenv 的使用:https://juejin.cn/post/6844904198929121288 仅供自己学习使用,喷子勿评。 npm -g install dotenv-cli ...
I'm trying to follow docs on adding env variables from react-create-app without success: https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/README.md#adding-custom-environment-variables inside root of the document I have a ".env" file (default ....
所以,我需要将测试环境下打包时使用的接口地址指定为env.development中的接口地址,我分别写了两份配置文件.env.development以及env.production,但是根据以上create-react-app的官方文档,在执行 build 命令时,默认是加载.env.production文件中的变量,所以我在测试服务器上执行npm run build命令时就会使得接口地址被指定为生...
3.1.1 方法一:Create React App 官方给出的解决方案 在项目根目录(与package.json文件同级)创建ref="https://links.jianshu.com/go?to=https%3A%2F%2Fcreate-react-app.dev%2Fdocs%2Fadding-custom-environment-variables%2F%23adding-development-environment-variables-in-env">.env 文件,添加EXTEND_ESLINT 环...
Already set the env vars in my Docker on AWS, but the app is not using it when running. Does anyone know how I can do it? For development, I'm using the .env file. For the build, I'm putting the .env file in .dockerignore so this develop...
Already set the env vars in my Docker on AWS, but the app is not using it when running. Does anyone know how I can do it? For development, I'm using the .env file. For the build, I'm putting the .env file in .dockerignore so this develop...