name:First GitHub Actions Demoon:push:branches:-master-devjobs:Build:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:# 步骤名称-name: checkout codeuses:actions/checkout@v2-name: actions/setup-node@v2uses:actions/setup-node@v2with:node-version:'16.14'cache:'yarn'cache-dependency-path:'**/yarn.lock'# 缓存 有需要...
2.运行yarn build,生成发布build文件目录 3. 在当前app根目录下运行 git init git add build git commit -m '注解内容' 3.连接远程仓库 git remote add origin 4.运行yarn add --dev gh-pages,准备创建gh-pages分支 5.运行yarn run deploy命令 >yarn run deploy 然后根...
You can find the companion GitHub repository here. Proxying API Requests in Development Note: this feature is available with react-scripts@0.2.3 and higher. People often serve the front-end React app from the same host and port as their backend implementation. For example, a production setup ...
{//..."homepage":"./","dependencies":{//...},"scripts":{//..."deploy":"gh-pages -d build"},} 这里请注意了,官方介绍是"homepage"的值要设置为http://{username}{repo-name},比如我当前的就是,但是这样操作会在build打的包会在...
GitHub Pages只是部署项目,react代码直接放上去是识别不了的,所以部署的是打包编译后到代码 npm run build 编译后就可以推送了,执行上面配置的命令。 npm run deploy 这时github上项目就多出了一个gh-pages的branch,在设置中Github Pages处选择gh-pages分支保存,部署完成。 部署时候具体执行的操作大概为: 1.按照...
GitHub Pages Heroku Modulus Netlify Now S3 and CloudFront Surge Advanced Configuration Troubleshooting npm start doesn’t detect changes npm test hangs on macOS Sierra npm run build silently fails npm run build fails on Heroku Something Missing? Updating to New Releases Create React App is divided...
"predeploy":"npm run build","deploy":"gh-pages -d build" 终端命令 打开 项目所在文件的终端 执行以下操作 推到远端仓库存储代码 注意换成你自己的仓库名字 git init git add git commit -m"first commit"git remote add origin{yourName}/{yourProjectName}.git ...
3. 在当前app根目录下运行 git init git add build git commit -m '注解内容' 3.连接远程仓库 git remote add origin 4.运行yarn add --dev gh-pages,准备创建gh-pages分支 5.运行yarn run deploy命令 >yarn run deploy ...
"homepage": "", myusername 是你的 github 名 "scripts": { + "predeploy": "npm run build", + "deploy": "gh-pages -d build", "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "react-scripts build", 在本地项目中运行: npm run deploy 在浏览器里访问 htt...
React Github Pages是一个用于将React应用程序部署到Github Pages的工具。它允许开发人员将React应用程序打包为静态文件,并将其发布到Github Pages上,以便通过浏览器访问。 当你在Github上创建一个新的仓库并将React应用程序推送到该仓库时,你可以使用React Github Pages来轻松地将应用程序部署到Github Pages上...