DashboardItem> </Breadcrumb> ); Just like with <Breadcrumb.Item>, you can also use a React component as label: import { Breadcrumb } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation'; import { Box, Stack } from '@mui/material'; import { visuallyHidden } from '@mui/utils'; import CabinIcon from ...
chakra-ui Chakra UI provides a set of accessible, reusable, and composable React components that make it super easy to create websites and apps. react Purity UI Dashboard - Free React Dashboard Open-Source React template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Chakra UI - Free product (MIT licen...
import * as React from "react"; import { Admin } from 'react-admin'; import simpleRestProvider from 'ra-data-simple-rest'; import Dashboard from './Dashboard'; const App = () => ( <Admin dashboard={Dashboard} dataProvider={simpleRestProvider('http://path.to.my.api')}> // ......
react-admin项目结构 整个项目采用vite4构建,使用react18 function编码方式开发。 react-vite-admin 支持暗黑/亮色主题模式、i18n国际化配置、动态路由权限鉴定、3种布局模板、tab路由标签栏等功能。 main.jsx入口配置 /** * 入口配置文件 * @author Hs */ import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client' import App fr...
基于react18.x+vite4+arco-design自研中后台管理系统解决方案ReactAdmin。 react-vite-admin基于vite4搭建react18.x后台管理项目。使用了react18 hooks+arco.design+zustand+bizcharts等技术实现权限管理模板框架。支持暗黑/亮色主题、i18n国际化、动态权限鉴定、3种布局模板、tab路由标签栏等功能。
Minimal - Client and Admin Dashboard是一款好看,并且方便2次开发的react框架, 需要请留言 Minimal - Client and Admin Dashboard - MUI Storemui.com/store/items/minimal-dashboard/#reviews发布于 2023-08-01 20:36・IP 属地四川 React React Native...
Choose from the most user-friendly and informative react admin dashboard templates, all of which have been hand-picked and tested by real-world developers and users.
nhatmm104/React-Admin-Dashboard-publicmaster BranchesTags CodeFolders and files Latest commit History5 Commits public src .gitignore README.md package.json yarn.lock Repository files navigation README Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with Create React App....
reactreduxtypescriptdashboardstyled-componentsadmin-dashboardadmin-templatereact-templatereact-dashboard UpdatedJan 5, 2023 TypeScript One-stop dashboard solution out of the box 开箱即用的一站式仪表板解决方案 reactadmintypescriptwidgetdashboardreactjsadmin-dashboardadmin-uiawesome-listantdantd-design-pro...
4.Skote-React Admin和仪表板模板 Skote是功能齐全的高级管理仪表板模板,内置在React Redux Saga中,具有Firebase / fack-backend身份验证以及支持开发人员友好代码的多语言支持。我们没有在此模板中使用jQuery,其带有CRA的纯ReactJ和完全基于组件的管理模板。