网络释义 1. 伸出手去 Human Nature_百度百科 ... Why,Why, 为什么?为什么?Reaching Out伸出手去To Touch A Stranger 给陌生人一个问候 ...|基于163个网页 2. 美丽人生 TVB Square's TVB Series ... Race and Passion 中神通王重阳Reaching Out美丽人生Rememberance 黄埔倾情 ... ...
1.To extend or move a hand, arm, or other body part, especially when trying to touch or grasp something:reached for a book; reach into a pocket. 2. a.To have extension in space or time:a coat that reaches to the knee; a career that reached over several decades. ...
Hong Kong, Belize and other countries. Jennifer joined a short-term team from her church and travelled to Cuba. During their adventures abroad, both girls grew in their desire to bring the missional experience
[...] other publicity activities reaching out to different [...] sectors of the population. 這項 計劃的 內容 包括電 視及電台 宣傳廣告 、實況 戲劇、有關賭 博 [...] 資料的專題網 站、學校教 材套,以及其他以社會不同階層 為對象 的宣傳活 動。
so people might be able to space out movies over the next year—I think that’s why you saw some of the studio releases punt a whole year, because they’re just like, “Well, maybe in a year, there won’t be other new movies, so that might be a great time to release something....
were ongoing concerning the proposal from Malaysia and when other steps were being taken to aid the reaching of consensus. 食典委认为,可能进行引入多数表决的研究,但不会在讨论马来西亚的建议时决 定,其他正在采取的步骤有助于达成 共 识。 UNICEF supported the...
I couldn’t remember reading about her having had a long-term illness and assumed that RA had struck her in recent years. It was only in late 2011, during our email discussions about the growing and inspiring Occupy Wall Street movement–including its poetry collective with which I was workin...
The patient’s daughter had not been at the initial consult and thus had only secondhand information from her father and mother. She did know that her father’s Gleason score was 9, and his PSA was a little over 10. Given that her father was already in his late 70s, with ot...
Early on in the process, searchers seem reluctant to share information and reach out to other searchers. Andrew Mondi of Lyndhurst Capital reflects “I did not prioritize corresponding with other searchers for the first 6 months of my search. I didn’t understand the value of it…I wish I ...