"With so firm a foundation in place, the foremost thought in the mind of each and every believer should be teaching. Whether in their personal efforts they teach their friends in firesides and then involve them in the core activities or use these activities as their primary instrument for teac...
However, as the carceral state grows to encompass more aspects of mental healthcare, care for both incarcerated and supervised individuals remains inconsistent, frequently insufficient, and heavily contingent on the institutional and personal styles of correctional facilities and staff (Herman, 2019; Rein...
This verse is telling us that while we still have time, while we are still alive we should be seeking the Lord, either as unbelievers for salvation or for carnal believers for fellowship. None of us know how much time we have left therefore as believers we should keep short accounts with ...
A few years later, it was clear that something was off. So last year, I made the big decision to pursue my passion in fitness by becoming a certified personal trainer. The start of the year was full of energy and joy. I was glad that I had finally found my direction, something that...
Each influence is transitory...One sees that Picasso’s haste has not yet given him time to forge a personal style; his personality is in this haste, this youthful impetuous spontaneity (I understand he is not yet twenty, and covers as many as three canvases a day)...The danger lies ...
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