First post and kind of new to the whole scene so excuse my ignorance but, I recently bought a Thinkpad E495 which comes with the AMD Ryzen 5 3500u and integrated Vega 8 graphics. I've noticed that at random points throughout the day the perfomance will quite drastically drop suddenly. ...
-AMD Ryzen 5 3500 6-Core Processor 3.6GHz-NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060, 6 GB-Kingston HyperX KHX3000C15D4/8GX-Kingston HyperX KHX3000C15D4/8GXI atached last 3 dumps.This problem randomly, i tryed many different settings in bios, ALL my drivers is up to date, i have the LATEST bios, ...
I also have an HP product with the same processor, my model in the HP-15db1xxx... I noticed that they put in a single stick of 8gb 2666mhz ram, - 7474931
HP Community Notebooks Notebook Software and How To Questions Re: HP 17 Laptop Ryzen 5 3500U more VRAM?Re: HP 17 Laptop Ryzen 5 3500U more VRAM?Start a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks.
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以及去年5月3500买的美行在保2070gamingbox,前些日子海鲜市场最高6k+…//@RevueX:去年5月600块卖了在保的XFX r9nano,1900卖了仅亮机测试的2060itx。现在卖的话价格奔着翻倍去了//@NTinnoVation:当年我给人写装机配置单的时候才1400...//@雪原黄狗LV99: 谢谢你,2077//@叶空是否知晓一切: ...
Benim kullanmış olduğum Dell vostro 3500 dizüstü bilgisayarımın wifisi wifi 5 i destekliyor wifi 6 yı desteklemiyor sürücü adı İntel(R) Wireless-AC 9462 şimdi asıl sorum şu İntel(R) Wireless-AC 9462 sürücü güncellemeler...
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