暗喻幻想: ReFantazio 的玩家们!我们的Steam 启动影片已经上架!快将你的Steam Deck(掌机)或Big Picture模式换上这个特别主题的启动影片吧: Steam 启动影片现已上架!2025年2月5日周三 查看所有更新(最新:1月15日)此游戏的更多 DLC查看所有暗喻幻想:ReFantazio《女神异闻录5》秀尽学园高中校服&战斗BGM&战斗过场乐...
I started to notice that UE5 titles on the Rog Ally can look really awful when compared to the exact same settings on any other device (including steam deck) . I Have narrowed it down to the fact that Lumen global illumination just does not appear to work on the Rog Ally in any ...
I started to notice that UE5 titles on the Rog Ally can look really awful when compared to the exact same settings on any other device (including steam deck) . I Have narrowed it down to the fact that Lumen global illumination just does not appear to work on the Rog Ally in...
Valve即将发布面向第三方平台的SteamOS,尤其是正在适配x86 PC平台,这次可是官方行动。不过已经有人等不及了,掌机博主The Phawx就自己动手,在一台ROG游戏掌机上成功安装了SteamOS。 这次移植还是相当成功的,系统运行稳定、流畅,同样在15W功耗、720p分辨率下,性能和在Steam Deck上基本不相上下,有的还能显著领先。 实测游...
Bloodborne & The Last Guardian Now Playable On Steam Deck Via Emulation 57d ago Articletwistedvoxel.com 230° 21 Sony Ending PlayStation 30th Anniversary Trailer with Bloodborne Tortures Fans Begging for Remake 88d ago Opiniongamesandwich.com 140° 9 30 best PlayStation games from the past 30 ...
3.《EA SPORTS FC25》(↓1)4.《寂静岭2 重制版》(↓1)5.Steam Deck(↓1)6.《暗黑破坏神4》(→)7.《星露谷物语》(↑55)8.《骗子酒吧》(↑34)9.《底特律 化身为人》(新)10.《卡牌店模拟器》(↓1) +5 发布于 2024-10-15 19:42・IP 属地北京 赞同10 分享收藏 ...
RPG Maker VX Ace - RE-D MUSIC PACK 5寻找类似的物品 有什么和 RPG Maker VX Ace - RE-D MUSIC PACK 5 相似? ¥ 58.00 被用户频繁应用于 RPG Maker VX Ace - RE-D MUSIC PACK 5 的标签也被应用于这些产品: 即将推出 免费游戏 免费试用版...
onAugust 28, 2024 Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Flipboard The star of this (presumably) 100 hour quest.Credit: Sega/Atlus/Steam By the time I tapped out ofPersona 5after 60 hours of a massive high school adventure that I was enjoying less and less, I wasn’t sure I’d ...
The primary use case of GlosSI is to use SteamInput (required for SteamController / SteamDeck-buttons) with incompatible Games such as Windows-Store titles or Emulators.GlosSI can, but isn't required to, launch any of your favorite games or applications and directly add them to Steam, be ...
From steam deck to rtx4090 it runs good depending on the settings used. Game req. more than 12gb vram at 1440p if you want to max out the game completely with rt and not being in red. Undying, Mar 11, 2023 #93 Doom112 Guest Messages: 204 Likes Received: 1 GPU: MSI GTX 980...