鞋垫分别印有 RE2PECT & 2 后跟同样刺绣 2 号 这两个因素就是整双鞋的故事所在 2014 Jordan Brand推出的电视广告 以“Respect”(尊敬)为主题 纽约最著名的职棒球队洋基队的队长德瑞克·基特宣布在2014年正式退休。乔丹利用这个事件打响了广告语“No matter what hat you wear, tip it to The Captain RE2PEC...
No matter what hat they wore, they tipped it to The Captain. The film was just the start of the tribute and the conversation, which unfolded over social media, outdoor and Re2pect merchandise. Viewers were invited to pay their respects to Jeter in his final year by tagging social media...
纽约最著名的职棒球队洋基队的队长德瑞克·基特宣布在2014年正式退休。乔丹利用这个事件打响了广告语“No matter what hat you wear, tip it to The Captain RE2PECT”(不管你戴着什么样的帽子,请向队长致敬)。德瑞克·基特,美国职棒大联盟明星赛最有价值球员,是一位不可多得的本世纪最优秀的棒球选手。在广告...
Derek Jeteris the center of attention for the 2014 Major League Baseball season and especially the All-Star Game.YesterdayI wrote an article on the release of his new commercial. Today I take a look at the cameos made by celebrities. The Jordan Brand paid homage to the legendary shortstop w...
players. Some of the best known are: Tiger Woods, Spike Lee, Jay Z and of course Michael Jordan. The cool thing about this commercial is, that even fans of the ultimate rival baseball teams are paying tribute to the legend. Remember, no matter what hat you wear, tip it to The ...
乔丹利用这个事件打响了广告语“No matter what hat you wear, tip it to The Captain RE2PECT”(不管你戴着什么样的帽子,请向队长致敬)。德瑞克·基特,美国职棒大联盟明星赛最有价值球员,是一位不可多得的本世纪最优秀的棒球选手。在广告中,一系列的明星和运动员甚至连洋基的对手,都摘下了帽子向基德举帽...