Of the 144082 characters on Anime Characters Database, 14 are from the h-game Doukyuusei 2 Remake.
A remake of a PS2 classic, Silent Hill 2 Remake offers new endings, new collectibles and modernized gameplay. In order to get Platinum, you will need to collect all three types ofCollectibles(Memos, Photos, Glimpses), unlock the 6 original Endings, and complete the game under various condit...
By Role By Section Chart A-Z VA Check Big Images Filter Doukyuusei 2 Remake TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Section 0 Section 0 Yui Narusawa Main Character Izumi Shinohara Unsorted Karen Maijima Unsorted Kozue Tsuzuki Unsorted Kumiko Nagashima Unsorted
Many of the toughest parts of the Silent Hill 2 Remake concern its puzzles. James' path through Silent Hill is punctuated by riddles, games, and secret
Silent Hill is coming back in a big way after a decade of no new entries and the whole PT/Silent Hills debacle. We aren't just getting one new game, we're not getting two – we're getting four. First announced during the Silent Hill Transmission livestream was the Silent Hill 2 re...
Such new experiences are common in the Silent Hill 2 remake. Every inch of the town has been lovingly recreated and, in many cases, expanded upon, but it keeps intact the essence of the original game's unforgettable environments. For those who've already experienced the original Sile...
Hello Neighbor: Remake — this is a mod that slightly reworks the first part of the mustachioed neighbor in a new way, in the style of the second part... Hello Neighbor Forsaken Jan 24 2025TBDStealth This game recreated in Unreal Engine (Hello Mod Kit), this game created in roblox by...
Resident Evil 2 Remake: New Trailer from Tokyo Game Show 2018 (Update). Latest and hottest game news and rumours at Games Mojo Blog.
The Silent Hill 2 remake has several bonuses for those who pre-order the game or purchase its Deluxe Edition.
A classic tactical RPG returns The second game in the main Front Mission storyline is finally available outside of Japan for the first time. FRONT MISSION 2 blends intense strategy with a deep and involved storyline. 12 years have passed since the sec