一、RE100简介 RE100(100% Renewable Electricity)是一项全球性、合作性的商业倡议,国际非营利气候组织(The Climate Group,简称TCG,为主要发起方)和另一个非营利性国际组织碳信息披露项目(Carbon Disclosure Project,简称CDP)于2014年共同合作发起和管理,旨在推动企业向100%可再生电力过渡。(官网:RE100 Members | RE...
国际绿证VS国内绿证,中国企业如何选择?[3]https://www.theclimategroup.org/our-work/news/how-re100-members-are-going-beyond-100-us [4]https://carbon.ci/insights/new-reports-on-climate-impacts-re100-and-the-business-case-for-making-change/ 关于我们:
目前全世界共有391家企业加入了该倡议(数据截至2022年12月1日)。 *2. https://www.there100.org/re100-members
As further evidence of the global corporate momentum behind renewable energy, the RE100 initiative has reached 100 members, following new commitments from AkzoNobel, AXA, Burberry and Carlsberg Group to transition to 100 percent renewable power....
RE100 members commit to renewable electricity in their own operations, but a chain reaction is expected as the RE100 members has started to push their ambitions further, raising the bar for their suppliers by encouraging them to set the same ambitious renewable targets. ...
Surpassing 100 members, the RE100 signals a wave of changeSam Kimmins
“For years now, RE100 members have been telling us that sourcing renewables provides tangible business benefits, from stable, affordable energy costs and lower business risk, to increased competitiveness and delivery on customer expectations,” said Climate Group CEO Helen Clarkson in a statement. “...
all of which are also members of RE100, in their green transformation. In the future, Goldwind will continue to work hand in hand with all industry partners. Joining RE100 is a new starting point to collectively promote significant progress in the application of renewable energy and green elect...
(TWSE: 2353) announced that it has been shortlisted for an RE100 Leadership Award in the Key Collaborator category. The Awards celebrate the work of RE100 members who are transforming the clean energy sector. The Key Collaborator category [1] recognizes collaboration with peers and suppliers, ...
providing greater control over energy costs while helping companies to deliver on emission reduction goals. RE100 members, including Global Fortune 500 companies, have a total revenue of overUS$5.4 trillionand operate in a diverse range of sectors – from information technology to automobile m...