Re: SC10 Thanks for this. THe origanl sys admin has left information that it was already raided. But now this has confirmed all it is a disk cabinet i would like to confirm. I have been instructed that they wish to raid the disk array ( which would require the controller card) with...
Re: SC10 with full bus problem Try to change the place of the HBA, the A in B place and reverse, changing the switch configuration A for B and reverse, to check HBA sensors, if continue problem maybe come from enclouser (dust...)if not HBA sensors are working bad. 0 Kudos Re...
They're all in over their heads, and on their own, with no one to rely on but each other. 1993 3.0 金牙大状 在一貧窮村落,有一位口才了得的狀師戴亞斗(鄭丹瑞)。村民每有任何冤情申訴,均禮聘他作其狀師, 斗因而聲名大噪。斗家乃狀師世家,種下不少冤孽,其母恐斗絕後,遂為他娶–童養媳...
2024-10-11 15:44:55游民星空河北 0:00/0:00 速度 洗脑循环 Error: Hls is not supported. 视频加载失败 游民星空 10.5万粉丝国内的综合性娱乐媒体 01:30《桃花源物语:建造小镇》中文试玩demo正式上线! 00:45《兵团突击:现代战争》推出列车DLC 00:58《勇者的残局:自走棋》全新demo上线!
4种混合标准溶液-铍钪铑铼BE,SC,RH,RE/介质:10%硝酸 更多供应商 钢研纳克检测技术股份有限公司 联系电话: 010-62182646 产品介绍: 中文名称:4种混合标准溶液-铍钪铑铼Be,Sc,Rh,Re/介质:10%硝酸 最新发布供应信息标准物质/4种混合标准溶液-铍钪铑铼Be,Sc,Rh,Re/介质:10%硝酸...
millpore/密理博 Steritop 无菌瓶顶过滤装置 SCGPS10RE是一种用于实验室无菌过滤的设备。其特点包括高效的过滤能力、方便快捷的操作以及可靠的无菌性能。 该产品由瓶顶过滤器和过滤瓶组成,适用于生物制药、微生物学、生化分析等领域。其主要作用是将液体样品通过过滤器,去除其中的微生物和颗粒物,确保样品的无菌性。
I have started to check our boards which I put MAX10(10M08SC) on. Unique Chip ID's values seems to be different at some bits between each board. Unique Chip ID includes Lot number and x, y cordinate of the die? It is shown on video "Using the Arria 10 Unique Chip ID feature"htt...
It is a Microcontroller(Renesas RA3M6) which connected with MAX10 by SPI.It's a host controller of this system. I am sorry to be slow in noticing.I must select SA or SC on "Assignment - Device" Window before I compile sources on Quartus Prime. Is it true?If the same .pof file is...