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7天无理由退货 参数: 颜色分类:N/A 规格:60x60 查看更多 参数信息 品牌 Marc Jacobs/莫杰 流行元素 字母 货号 S160L01RE21 280 款式 短款钱包 上市年份季节 2023年秋季 折数 3折 质地 羊皮 内部结构 卡位 网袋 大钞夹 零钱位 性别 女 颜色分类 ...
大津市長に初当選時、「全国最年少の女性市長」と注目された越直美さんは今、経営者・弁護士として「女性が活躍できる社会」に向けて活動、発信しています。朝日新聞の言論サイトRe:Ronの連載「社会のかたち 越直美の実践」では、自身の経験を基…こ...
The nomogram accurately predicted re-operation (area under the ROC curve 0.718). The negative predictive value was 88.0%, while the positive predictive value was 47.9%. Re-operation due to secondary hemorrhage after M-TURP was associated with no BPH-related complications, lower percent of resected...
Tuta absoluta is an invasive, oligophagous pest that has been recently reported from Pakistan. Although originated from South America, it has now introduced and spread in almost all the tomato growing areas of the globe including Pakistan. Therefore, delta type pheromone traps containing synthetic ...
Basal TSH levels were measured and the TRH test was performed at the age of 3years for re-evaluation of congenital hypothyroidism, and statistical analysis was performed. All of the patients were followed up to avoid over- or under-treatment. At the age of 3years, 31.6% of the patients ...
The past decade has witnessed dramatic developments in the field of theoretical physics. This book is a comprehensive introduction to these recent developm... M Dine - 《Physics Today》 被引量: 128发表: 2007年 Supersymmetry and String Theory: Beyond the Standard Model When I was asked to revie...
被爆者たちが、核兵器がもたらす惨劇を世界に伝え続け、再び使うことは許されないという「核のタブー」を築き上げてきたことが、2025年8月の原爆投下80年を前に高く評価されました。 Re:Ronでは、核兵器禁止条…この記事は有料記事です。残り499文字有料会員になると続きをお読みいただけます。