必应词典为您提供redetection的释义,网络释义: 再识别;再识别功能;
1) re-detection 重复测定例句>> 2) measure the amount of STR repeat units 重复单位数测定3) determination with equal numbers 等重复次数测定4) determination with unequal numbers 不等重复次数测定5) repositioning [英][,ri:pə'ziʃən] [美][,ripə'zɪʃən] 重复定位 1. ...
本小节主要是讲如何将 Faster RCNN 的那一套用于重检测,核心是将固定类别的detection head换成本文的re-detection head。re-detection head的输出只有两类,即候选区域是否是参考对象目标。训练时backbone和RPN的参数冻结,只有re-detection head参与训练。 3.2 Video Hard Example Mining 在传统 Faster RCNN 训练中,负...
在对输入图像提取特征和ROI操作过后,将GT特征与ROI提取出的三个特征分别进行组合然后经过一个1X1的卷积层降低一半的数据量后输入Re-Detection Head,去除掉分数较低的输出box后得到两个box , 在于上一帧中当前位置得到的box 进行匹配组合,组合的条件是边框(x,y,w,h)之间的L_\inftynorm,即max(|x1 − x2 |...
Re-detectionLong-term visual tracking undergoes more challenges and is closer to realistic applications than short-term tracking. However, the performances of most existing methods have been limited in the long-term tracking tasks. In this work, we present a reliable yet simple long-term tracking ...
在传统 Faster RCNN 训练阶段,negative examples 是从 target image 上用 RPN 来采样得到的。但是,在许多图像中,仅有少量的 negative examples。为了最大化 re-detection head 的判别能力,作者认为需要在 hard negative samples 上进行训练。类似的思路在物体检测和跟踪上也都被广泛的应用。
本文尝试从 Tracking by Re-Detection 的角度来处理跟踪问题,提出一种新颖的 re-detector,即将 Faster-RCNN 结合到 Siamese architecture 中,通过在一个图像中任何位置进行重新检测 template object,判断给定的 region proposal 是否是同一个物体,然后对该物体进行 BBox 的回归。本文所提出的 two-stage re-detection...
Here we report the re-detection of soft X-ray polarization after 40 years from the Crab nebula and pulsar with PolarLight, a miniature polarimeter utilizing a novel techniqueonboard a CubeSat. The polarization fraction of the Crab in the on-pulse phases was observed to decrease after a glitch...
ground truth: 在machine learning 中,ground truth 具体指的是对于监督学习的算法来说,它的training set 本身的数据的正确性。你看,如果你的训练集数据都有很大问题,那么你用它们训练出来的算法就呵呵了。在detection 里边,ground truth annotations 应该就是标记object的一个个框框。
The proposed method innovatively uses three templates for global sampling to improve the re-detection accuracy. Then, Gumbel-Softmax is introduced into the re-detection module for accurate sampling, and a less number of target candidate boxes are output, which reduces the amount of computation. ...