mmulti-line mode:^and$match begin/end line in addition to begin/end text (default false) slet.match\n(default false) Uungreedy: swap meaning ofx*andx*?,x+andx+?, etc (default false) Flag syntax isxyz(set) or-xyz(clear) orxy-z(setxy, clearz). ...
m multi-line mode: ^ and $ match begin/end line in addition to begin/end text (default false) s let . match \n (default false) U ungreedy: swap meaning of x* and x*?, x+ and x+?, etc (default false)Flag syntax is xyz (set) or -xyz (clear) or xy-z (set xy, clear ...
Dollar has no special meaning in a character class. The meaning of dollar can be changed so that it matches only at the very end of the string, by setting the dollar_endonly option at compile time. This does not affect the \Z assertion. The meanings of the circumflex and dollar ...
m multi-line mode: ^ and $ match begin/end line in addition to begin/end text (default false) s let . match \n (default false) U ungreedy: swap meaning of x* and x*?, x+ and x+?, etc (default false)Flag syntax is xyz (set) or -xyz (clear) or xy-z (set xy, clear ...