这种FSA叫做DFA(deterministic finite automaton确定性有限状态机)。可以看到,DFA的规模,一般是要比NFA大的(类比一下时间换空间就很好理解了。) 也可以用表格来表示(然而当我写完代码以后,发现这张表好几个地方是错的,于是我自己搞了一个代码,生成了一个图):...
The generated scanner source code is structured in this way. Furthermore, the generated code conforms to solid OOP design principles with template classes for lexers, matchers, and input sources.Compatible with Flex and BisonRE/flex produces C++ code, but you can still use RE/flex scanners ...
How many versions of Binary are there, and would need a de-compiler for each? This is not really a compiled code, but obfuscation JSXBIN created with ESTK and used by an author, either when he wants to protect his creation or needs his code Javascr...