Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation kimi o matta boku wa matta togirenai ashita mo sugiteitte tachitomatte furikaette tomedonai kyou o nagekiatta Waited for you I waited for you As the seamless tomorrow passed by I stopped and stood, turned around, Then mourned the endless today kioku...
Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation IKAREchimatta ze Doitsu mo koitsu mo IKAREchimatta ze Yoru wo nuri kaero Everyone's gone crazy! Him and her too! Everyone's gone crazy! Repaint the night! Omae hitori dake janai ze Kodoku wo kanjiteiru no wa Omae hitori dake janai ze Saji wo ...
PENGUIN RESEARCH - Hatena Lyrics Hatena Lyrics byPENGUIN RESEARCH fromGundam Build Divers Re:Rise Romaji English Kanji Side by Side Nani no tame ni naita nda? Nan'notameni suteta nda? Utagae, boku wo yamenai you ni Hanshinhanginara kuchi wo fusaide hoka no seikai wo matte ...
“【COUTA】Shian & Luo Tianyi –“Problem Child” Loop 坏孩子循环【English Translation】” It was only until the time we bid farewell that I finally understand the love, serenity, and life that you’ve tried to teach me. I now carry this heart that you’ve left behind, as I head of...
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji Transcriber@Lyrical Nonsense Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities. Join our Discord serverto connect with global music lovers ...
Song Data Romaji TitleKimi wa Kaeru Basho AlbumStarry Story EP ArtistGothic×Luck ComposerSatou Jun'ichi (fhana) LyricistHayashi Hideki Duration4:52 You're My Home, also known asKimi wa Kaeru Basho, is the second ending song forKemono Friends 2, as well as the fifth track on theStarry Sto...
歌词(日本语+ROMAJI+汉化)这个版本敢错么? 是FC会报里的=0= 解释下标题:S.I.T.S.=Sunshine in The Sky わざわざ不都合见つけて 不确かな自分と照らす 枠外な生き方と 思う事 分享33赞 goldenbomber吧 上官殷 【求问】哪位日语高手能帮我个忙,有几首歌希望能给罗马发音大家好,我是新人,一楼...
现在把(Romaji)歌词发上来: 1. 揺らぐことない爱 (Yuragu koto nai a 分享291 都暻秀吧 何何潔 I D.O.★140226【图片】SM官网更用SM聊天软件等 可获得EXO贴纸3PCR: exo-k.smtown.com mobilized by Yeat 分享364 oac同人吧 Enduring1994 【音乐盘点】那些关于同性爱情的歌曲(不定时更新)为大家盘点一下...
Re:pray Lyrics byAimer fromBLEACH TV SizeFull SizeOfficial Romaji English Kanji Side by Side Hodoukyou kaidan amaoto te wo furu yo saigo no senaka ni ao ni kawaru RAITO de toki ga ugoku kasa no nami nomikonda my days say a little pray for you and me...
Black Gene for the Next Scene-空から零れ落ちる100億の光 (Sora kara Kobore Ochiru 100oku no Hikari) (Acoustic ver.) romaji& eng sub53 人观看 • 2 7月 2016 • 8年前1 人赞过Lebedeva Elena 30个粉丝 English song title: 10 Billion Rays of Light, Scatter from the Sky!p.s. I ...