文章主要参考的访谈链接:https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/06/feature_monster_hunter_rise_director_talks_re_engine_on_switch 由于世界和崛起中呈现的游戏体验十分相似,外加崛起相较于世界的“落后感”,让“把怪物从世界搬到崛起”这件事在玩家看来,是一件非常简单的事。外加我们认为的,卡普空作为一个...
Capcom is developing Monster Hunter Rise with the RE Engine, the company has announced. It’ll be the first Switch game created with the technology. RE Engine has been some of Capcom’s most recent projects, including the Resident Evil titles starting with Resident Evil 7 as well as Devil ...
游戏引擎:RE EngineGAME ENGINE: RE ENGINE 按最近更新排列按发行时间排列按媒体评分排列按会员评分排列 鬼泣5 89 Devil May Cry 5 生化危机 2:重制版 89 Resident Evil 2 怪物猎人崛起:曙光 86 Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 生化危机 7 83 Resident Evil 7: Biohazard ...
用生化危机7的RE Engine引擎不是很惊艳吗? 分享3718 怪物猎人吧 风继续吹。猪继续飞。 rise行不行来几个re引擎的联动啊 斯巴达大剑——斩斧 阎魔刀——太刀 魔界村小刀——双刀 三头犬火棍——虫棍(这造型太简单了吧) 但丁大剑——大剑(蓄力出幻影剑) 魔界村长枪——长枪(乳枪了) 绯红加tomboy——盾斧(...
画面全面进化,在Capcom的「RE Engine」打造下,《生化危机RE:2》展现出比原作更引人入胜的写实视觉效果及出色光影效果,让玩家仿佛置身于恐怖紧张的氛围中探索浣熊市警察局。 《生化危机RE:2》的成功不仅仅是数字上的体现,更重要的是它为无数玩家带来了全新的、生动而又令人毛骨悚然的游戏体验。如果你还没尝试过这...
Scripting platform, modding framework and VR support for all RE Engine games luamoddingcppvrscriptingvirtual-realityre2modsfirst-personfreecamre3monster-hunter-risemhrisecmkrre8re-enginere7dmc5sf6re4 UpdatedDec 17, 2024 C++ wasilibs/go-re2 ...
During a presentation by Capcom R&D, the company teased the next generation of its RE Engine, currently known as REX.
MHWS Monster Hunter Wilds v1.0.1.0 RE2 Resident Evil 2 v1.0.0.0 RE3 Resident Evil 3 v1.0.0.0 RE4 Resident Evil 4 v1.0.0.0 RE8 Resident Evil Village v1.0.0.0 (Almost everything in the code and prog arguments use the short name; case sensitive.) To build for a game, switch to tha...
I will also note this is the ONLY game right now doing this, Monster Hunter Rise (which runs on an entirely different Capcom engine) does not have ANY issues with DX12 and I'm working on to trying out Witcher 3/Diablo 2 Resurrected/Far Cry 6 to verify other candidates. My...