24 COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring (COSMO), a joint project by the University of Erfurt, Robert Koch Institute, Federal Center for Health Education, Leibniz Center for Psychological Information and Documentation, Science Media Center, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicin...
Adresse: Parsevalstraße 2 Address D-99092 Erfurt Germany Erklärt, dass das Produkt / Declares that the product: FAT2002 / FAT2002 RE Bestellnummer / order number / Modell / model : Fire Brigade Indicator Panel bei bestimmungsmäßiger Verwendung den grundlegenden Anforderung...
德国铁路10分钟系列18林道(前)总站:瑞士EC,奥地利REX,私人列车alex,RB 1428 2 10:11 App 莱比锡总站:ICEs与改道的BR 403,IC 1+2,DB和Abellio的Talent 2 (10min-64) 550 0 10:12 App 德国铁路10分钟系列51埃尔福特总站:ICE 1,ICE T,ICE 4,IC,货车,Erfurt Bahn,RE 737 2 10:12 App 德国铁路10...
德国铁路10分钟系列33汉堡-达姆门站:ICE 1,(国际) ICE 4,IC,AKN,RE,S-Bahn 509 -- 10:11 App Lyushuo-day特别版:德国铁路10分钟系列54慕尼黑总站:ICE 1,ICE 2,ICE 3,ICE 4,IC,奥地利铁路-EC,NJ,RB 541 -- 10:12 App 德国铁路10分钟系列51埃尔福特总站:ICE 1,ICE T,ICE 4,IC,货车,Erfurt Ba...
The article presents information on a quiz based on the ways to speak 'respect' in different parts of the world including Japan, China, and Spain. It contains a poem titled "Sunshine," by Sarah Morrill, and also presents a list of people including editorial staff Berth Erfurth, student rev...
The current biodiversity crisis threatens an estimated one million species with extinction1. The nature and rate of observed changes depend on the spatial scale at which they are observed2. At the finest scale, i.e. the local scale of plant communities, vegetation-plot records have been found ...
Jh. als Leitform im Erfurt-Thüringischen, im Obersächsischen auch im 15./16. Jh. (§ L 11, A 2). Erst in der 1. Hälfte des 16. Jhs. wird im Ost-mitteldeutschen der Umlaut u bezeichnet, vorher wurde in mitteldeutschen Texten allein der Umlaut a bezeichnet (§ L 8). ...
aJolanda Keizer: gaat in 2005 naar de EK voor neo-senioren in Erfurt (6de), twee jaar later gevolgd door zilver bij hetzelfde toernooi in Debrecen. Ze reist diezelfde zomer ook naar Osaka (14de). In 2008 is ze 10de bij de Spelen van Peking en in maart 2009 wint ze zilver bij ...
No recurrent ulcers were found. In 14 patients treated by truncal transabdominal vagotomy, none died. In efferent loop obstruction, resection was also carried ouW.NowakKlinik und Poliklinik für Chirurgie der Medizinischen Akademie ErfurtU.FleckLangenbeck's archives of surgery...