供应PET.FR515-BK主要性能:15%玻纤,阻燃剂,良好的电气性能,尺寸稳定性良好,良好的抗热老化性,阻燃性能,刚性良好,良好的强度。主要参数:熔流率9g/10min密度:1.55g/cm3,成型收缩率0.50%,吸水率0.07%,缺口冲击强度69,热变形温度238℃; 供应PET.415HP-NC主要性能:15%玻纤,冲击调节器,热稳定剂,超声波可焊接,抗...
身份验证: 注册资本:300万元 企业类型: 公司地区:中国 广东 东莞 主营产品:工程塑胶原料 通用塑料 特种工程塑胶原料 热塑弹性体 工程塑料 进入店铺 产品分类 PA6T PEEK GPPS产品详情 品牌/厂家:美国杜邦 牌号:RE5339 类型:正牌料 用途级别:注射级 产地:美国 熔体流动速率:各种物性资料欢迎来电提供g/10min 密...
牌号: RE5339 厂商: 美国杜邦 品牌: 美国杜邦 厂家(产地): 美国杜邦 销售方式: 品牌经销 加工级别: 注塑级 塑料种类: PET 特性级别: 耐高温,高刚性,增强级,阻燃级,高流动 用途级别: 汽车部件,家电部件,电子电器部件 规格级别: 玻纤增强 中文名称: 注塑级 特性: 增强级 价格说明 价格:商...
价格¥32.00/公斤 起订量≥25 所在地广东 东莞可售量 10000公斤 联系人:吴小姐 퍹ꀖ 넠ꀖꀖ쁅핲핲 ꀖ핲쁅넠퍹퍹쁅핲 免费会员 第4年 东莞市德誉塑料有限公司 联系人:吴小姐QQ交谈(联系时,请说明是在全球塑胶网上看到的) ...
Effect of retrogression and reaging treatment on the microstructure and fatigue crack growth behavior of 7050 aluminum alloy thick plate Effect of Retrogression and Reaging (RRA) treatment on the microstructure and fatigue crack growth behavior of 7050 aluminum alloy thick plate was investig......
it seems that the EN5339QI part in the PDN Excel Tool 2.0 for Cyclone 10 Gx devices has impossibly low VRM impedance. The impedance seems to go between 1 to 10 mR from 1kHz to 10MHz, resulting in no necessary decoupling capacitors at all (Wouldn't that be great?...
it seems that the EN5339QI part in the PDN Excel Tool 2.0 for Cyclone 10 Gx devices has impossibly low VRM impedance. The impedance seems to go between 1 to 10 mR from 1kHz to 10MHz, resulting in no necessary decoupling capacitors at all (Wouldn't that be great?) Is this...
在图纸中,PE代表接地,RE在CAD制图中是重生成图形的快捷键。以下是关于这两个符号的详细解释: PE:在电气图纸中,PE通常表示接地,这是一种重要的电气安全措施。接地线一般用黄绿相间的颜色来标识,以确保工作人员能够清晰地识别。接地的主要目的是将电气设备的金属外壳或其他导电部分与大地连接,以防止因设备漏电或人员触...
If so it should have been completely uninstalled before installing the 4.1 release. You may even have an earlier service still running! Check the MySQL manual on 'Troubleshooting a Windows Installation" it does have some specific information on this error. ..john...
Hi - REF operates on the entire array like most other AB functions. It shifts the array by the number of bars you specify. You can plot a couple of different REF's to see it in action. When you need to use IF with an array, use IIF instead - ...