在英文中,RDW是一个缩写词,全称为Red Blood Cell Distribution Width。它不是一个完整的句子或短语,而是一个专业术语,在医学领域,特别是在血液学检查中广泛使用。 造句例句 英文造句:The RDW test is used to evaluate the variation in red blood cell size. 中文翻译:RDW测试用于...
Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a parameter that measures variation in red blood cell size or red blood cell volume. RDW is elevated in accordance with variation in red cell size (anisocytosis), ie, when elevated RDW is reported on complete blood co
[13]国际心脏病学会和协会及世界卫生组织临床命名标准化联合专题组.缺血性心脏病的命名及诊断标准[J].广东医学,1982,9(9):33 34. [14]LippiG,TargherG,Montagnana M,etal.Relationshipbetweenredbloodcelldistribution widthandkidneyfunctiontestsinalargecohortofunselectedoutpatients[J].ScandJClin LabIn vest,2008,...
关键词 地中海贫血;红细胞参数( MCV、RDW);网织红细胞参数THECHANGESOFREDBLOODCELLPARAMETERS(MCV、RDW)ANDRETICULOCYTEPARAME-TERSANDTHEIRCLINICALSIGNIFICANCEINTHALASSEMIAPATIENTS Hu Zhiyuan,Guo Ludi,Deng Jiangqun,et al.Laboratory,The Guangdong Province Yingde People's Hospital,Yingde 513000,China Abstract...
RDW_对极低出生体质量儿败血症的诊断价值 ㊃论著㊃D O I:10.3969/j.i s s n.1672-9455.2023.15.017 R DW对极低出生体质量儿败血症的诊断价值* 郭彬芳,王海燕ә,王玉春,梁秀英,张春燕,许萍萍 河北省沧州市中心医院新生儿科,河北沧州061000 摘要:目的探讨红细胞分布宽度(R DW)对极低出生体质量儿败血症...
Significance of low red cell distribution width (low RDW) and high red cell distribution width (high RDW) levels on blood tests: Easy to understand entry.
结论MCV、MCH、RDW及红细胞脆性试验 联合应用对地中海贫血有诊断意义,可作为简单、方便、快速、较准 确的筛查方法 关键字:地中海贫血MCVMCHRDW-CV红细胞脆性 SurveyonbloodMCV,MCH,RDWandosmoticfragility oferythrocytesofpatientswiththalassemia ChenJiali,OuLiqun GuangdongProvinceFoshanWorker’sMedicalCollege, Guangdong...
摘要 目的 探讨血液红细胞分布宽度(RDW)及骨钙素N段中分子片段(N-MID OC)/Ⅰ型胶原羧基端肽β特殊序列(β-CTX)比值联合检测对老年女性骨质疏松椎体骨折(OPVF)的诊断价值。方法 纳入2021年1月—2021年...展开更多 Objective To explore the diagnostic value of blood RDW and N-MID OC/β-CTX ratio ...
To analyse the different degrees of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients with serum fibrinogen (FIB), red blood cell distribution width (RDW) and mononuclear cell volume distribution width (MDW) and the expression of interleukin 6 (IL-6) level and its correlation with pulmonary fu...