Laboratory investigations (complete blood count, C-reactive protein, random blood sugar, Blood culture, arterial blood gases, kidney and liver function, Serum electrolytes, plain chest X-ray (P.A. and lateral views) and chest ultrasound) were performed. A significant correlation was found between ...
新生儿1+RDS(E)Diseasesofnewborn Paediatricsof1stHospitalAffiliatedDalianMedicalUniversity 马路一 Purposeanddemand •Tograspneonate’sbasicconceptandcategory•Tograsptheappearancecharacteristicsofpreterminfantandterminfant•tofamiliarizephysiologycharacteristicsofpretermandterminfant•Tounderstandsomecommonandspecific...
However, due to a persistent increased need for oxygen (up to 100% oxygen), the infant was switched to high-frequency oscillation ventilation (HFOV) the moment the lung X-ray showed homogenous opacification of both lungs (Figure 2D). Persistent hypoxemia (PaO2 between 25.6–51.5 mmHg) was ...