The combination of HIE/ RDS significantly worsens the disease outcome. The use of scoring systems improved the early detection of high risk babies and initiation of early treatment increased the chances for survival without disabilities.Ristovska, SanjaContributions / Prilozi (...
新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of the newborn) RDS定义: RDS 系指由于各种原因引起 PS 的原发或继发性缺乏,导致由肺泡壁至终末细支气管壁嗜伊红透明膜形成和肺不张,以至新生儿出生后不久出现以进行性呼吸困...
Objective to study the effect of kelizu in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome of full-term newborn. Methods 62 full-term infants with respiratory distress syndrome who were treated in our hospital from December 2019 to December 2020 were divided into two groups, 31 in each group, ...
A Survey on the Treatment Strategy of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very Low-Birth-Weight Infants 結果顯示56個嬰兒(83.6%)有呼吸窘迫症候群(RDS),其中有53名(79%)接受Survanta補充治療。平均懷孕週數27.9±2.4週,平均出生體重1078±293公克。用來做爲使用... 蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su),胡博翔(Paul-Shiang Hu...
Curosurf, a surfactant preparation derived from minced pig lungs, used for the treatment of newborn infants with RDS, contains low molecular weight proteins. We studied the immune response after a single dose of Curosurf given intratracheally in 68 patients with RDS, 49 treated with Curosurf and...
New-born infants with severe hyaline membrane disease: radiological evaluation during high frequency oscillatory versus conventional ventilation Objective: The aim of our study was to determine the impact of treatment with exogenous surfactant (ES) and high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) o... ...
新生儿1+RDS(E)Diseasesofnewborn Paediatricsof1stHospitalAffiliatedDalianMedicalUniversity 马路一 Purposeanddemand •Tograspneonate’sbasicconceptandcategory•Tograsptheappearancecharacteristicsofpreterminfantandterminfant•tofamiliarizephysiologycharacteristicsofpretermandterminfant•Tounderstandsomecommonandspecific...
Treatment Surfactant replacement therapy method: as soon as a diagnosis of surfactant deficiency intratracheal intubation Prevention Prevention prematurity promote lung maturity: steroids given to the mother 24h~7days before premature delivery PS prevention ...
Treatment of preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome; Natural surfactant and the surfactants in clinica... Jobe,Alan,H. - 《New England Journal of Medicine》 被引量: 1199发表: 1993年 Effect of surfactant on morbidity, mortality, and resource use in newborn infants weighing 500 to ...
Directed byPengHuabao.KeywordsPremature Infant; RespiratoryDistressSyndrome(RDS); Cortisol; AdrenocorticotrophicHormoneCorticotrophin(ACTH); Infant; Newborn6引言RDS是早产儿常见疾病,胎龄越小发生率越高,RDS的发生是由于肺表面活性物质(PS)缺乏所导致。PS是一种肺泡II型上皮细胞合成及分泌的由多种PS 相关蛋白...