AutoUpgradeMinorVersion string 是 实例升级小版本的方式,取值: Auto:自动升级小版本。 Manual:不自动升级,仅在当前版本下线时才强制升级。 Auto 返回参数 名称类型描述示例值 object 返回参数详情。 RequestId string 请求ID。 A31818D5-0550-4A81-8D13-B45948D7193F 示例 正常返回示例 JSON格式 { "RequestId"...
相关API API 描述 UpgradeDBInstanceKernelVersion - 升级RDS实例内核小版本 升级RDS MySQL实例的内核小版本。 ModifyDBInstanceAutoUpgradeMinorVersion - 修改RDS升级内核小版本的方式 设置内核小版本升级策略为自动或手动。 相关文档 AliSQL内核小版本发布记录 上一篇:升级版本下一篇:升级数据库版本 ...
Amazon RDS Multi-AZ database (DB) clusters can now perform a minor version upgrade with a downtime typically under 35 seconds. Customers who have even more stringent downtime requirements can reduce the downtime ...
Amazon RDS for MySQL supports new minor versions 5.7.38 and 8.0.29 Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 supports in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7 Amazon RDS increases concurrent copy limit to 20 snapshots per destination region Amazon RDS for MySQL now supports enforcing SSL/TLS connections Amazon ...
The Major Version Upgrade (MVU) of Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database employs thepg_upgrademodule. However, this module doesn’t transfer optimizer statistics from the prior version, which can hamper the performance of queries post-upgrade. Therefore, it’s crucial ...
Manual update: You can go to the Basic Information page of the RDS instance to change the update method to Manual Upgrade. If the minor engine version of your RDS instance has known major defects, expires, or is phased out and manual update is used for the RDS inst...
说明 UpgradeTime= SpecifyTime 时传入此参数有效。 2020-01-15T00:00:00Z TargetMinorVersion string 否 指定需要升级的数据库小版本号。格式: PostgreSQL:rds_postgres_<大版本号>00_<小版本号>。例如 12 版本的 20200830:rds_postgres_1200_20200830。 MySQL:<实例版本>_<小版本号>。例如rds_20200229、xclust...
{ "Type" : "AWS::RDS::DBInstance", "Properties" : { "AllocatedStorage" : String, "AllowMajorVersionUpgrade" : Boolean, "AssociatedRoles" : [ DBInstanceRole, ... ], "AutomaticBackupReplicationKmsKeyId" : String, "AutomaticBackupReplicationRegion" : String, "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade" : Boole...
The DB instance has a DB engine minor version upgrade available. None maintenance RDS-EVENT-0178 Database instance upgrade is in progress. None maintenance RDS-EVENT-0264 The pre-check started for the DB engine version upgrade. None maintenance RDS-EVENT-0265 The pre-check finished for the...
它似乎是在应用Automatic minor version upgrade to mariadb 10.4.26,我无法以任何方式连接到数据库;我只能查看显示如下:错误/mysql-错误-Running.log的error/mysql-error-running.log 现在看来唯一的选择是恢复到最新的备份,但我不知道这是否会使数据库处于不稳定/不完整的状态。还有什么我可以检查或做的吗? 浏览...