Use RDR Save Editor, it works for both PS4 and PC. When you go under the stable option, you can select all of the new horses, and they will stay even after you log off your save. You can do the same thing with gang horses. Quote DragonAK 0 Posted March 25, 2021 any one...
Lost days trying to get the quest to trigger, eventually realized that I had already done this without getting it! The blasted thing glitched on me. I am using the PS4 save editor to manually add the piece of clothing. I assume hex codes are the same. ...
someone help me plz i have my rdr2 editor open my saver wizard open and ps4 file and i want arthur to have the ranch pants that come on the homesteader wedding outfit how do i do that and whats the hex id hor entire outfit and how do i apply it to my ps4 save i have a ps4...