I noticed if i put the Elk code in the spawn peds section I can filter through the 'outfits' and spawn different colors of male and female elk. Same with the new multiplayer animals, for example, MP_A_C_Panther_01 I can only play as the black panther model but when I spawn it ...
Jeb is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. Jeb is presumably a resident of Valentine, New Hanover. In "A Quiet Time", Arthur takes Lenny for a drink in Smithfield's Saloon to help calm him down after learning of Micah's arrest in Strawbe
Horseman Challenge 1 and Master Hunter Challenge 2 effectively overlap, and also partially with Mr's Hobb's first request. So now you only have to find 5 rabbits instead of 9 - or actually, if you get one in a story mission too,
I Plan on updating this mod regularly and adding a lot of jobs too like bounty hunting, heists, etc. In order to start/continue this mod, go up to the white hat BLIP at copperhead landing, near Siska penitentiary, and then press F on the boardwalk with the given prompt AFTER you creat...
Main File: Mexican Poncho, has clipping and it is unfixable Optional File: Javier's Poncho, has clipping and broken physics and is unfixable Changelogs: 1.1.2 Fixed Black Poncho Bugs 1.1.1 Fixed The Crash On The Loading Screen 1.0.1 Added Javier's Poncho Onl...