Personally I'd be more than happy to have the ability to remove the satchel and the offhand holster and be able to save this once and for all for certain outfits. So after all RDR 2 Outfit Changer in this state is a pointless Super Mod. It is like having a Ferrari without any Fuel...
You need this mod for changing clothes: Edited July 10, 2020 by MurderMittensNL Forgot to say why Quote MadafakingJones 0 Posted July 17, 2020 Does anybody know the ped model for the swimming naked stranger? Quote Splee 0 Posted July 18, 2020...
), Arthur has never looked more unique. A word of caution: The component system in RDR2 is very powerful and even many parts of your skin are components which you might need to toggle to make body parts (re)appear!
I already have Offline Content Unlocker which is more up-to-date. Thanks EDIT: Solved that issue by changing the walking style with a trainer. But I just realized that there's another problem, I can't seem to change MP_FEMALE's clothes when the mod Red Dead Offline is installed. Are ...
mpclothes mod - Installation: Install Mp clothes mod from the link above, and place the files accordingly (Please look at the tutorial there, I won't be helping you out with the installation as it is your own problem that you...
Simply replaces all talismans with NPCs stuff and some clothes everything should work in cutscenes Before Installing make backup of your save… if you using mod that use (shop_items.ymt) file it may not working Install: –place into Rampage/streaming folder or… ...
This mod is a retexture of Abigail’s clothes and also changes her outfits as well as hairstyle and color to be more accurate to Red Dead Redemption 1. To install put the files in lml/stream. Clothes and model changing done by KristianD3 and hair and outfit changing done by me. ...
mpclothes mod - Installation: Install Mp clothes mod from the link above, and place the files accordingly (Please look at the tutorial there, I won't be helping you out with the installation as it is your own problem that you...
Browse 11,413 ped clothes components SpeechDB (RDR2) Updated byxac01,November 29, 2024 Browse 792 voices and 11,753 speech lines Featured Tutorial Extract models from rdr2 ByRuskivotka, inRDR Modding Tutorials,October 6, 2022 Video:
Red Dead Redemption 2 Clothes Database by Scarf, Satchel and other icons by Icons8 All Activity Home RDR2 and RDR1 Modding Wiki RDR2 Player Clothes Database G17 Media © 2009-2021. rdrmods Lenny's Mod Loader (LML) RDRFR Lenny's Simple Trainer ...