download with mod manager. Requires LML I've done quite a bit of research on the guns of this game, it's really interesting. so i used that knowledge to make Changes to weapon stats to make them even more accurate to their real life counterparts. keep in
Note for the 2nd param 10f (offroad_race.c) and 3rd param 20f (range_modern.c) are the only times those 2 high floats are called. Note for the 3rd param 2 is only ever set in (franklin0.c), but it also sets it as 3. (0, 0, 3) ||(0, 0f, 2) || (0, 0, 3) ...
there should be a prompt to go to the Cheats section. From here, you’ll be able to enter a wealth of different codes to activate effects or summon in vehicles, weapons, and so on. The best