This is a great way to make money throughout the game. You can spot numerous bandit camps in various locations by the smoke in the sky. These camps come with worthy loot as you get better gear and become a better player, but you must deal with the outlaws first. Therefore, shoot them...
Make time to do side content and goof off. I always try to do a little bit of side content or goofing off between each mission. Sometimes I spend an hour following campfire smoke and sometimes I spend an hour seeing whats up in town. Not only will you discover tons of things you've...
I confirmed I have this bug, I mostly use texture mods (I have a 49' Samsung G9 right in my face, so it's a necessity). The bug went away when I disabled all my mods. I'm quite technical, I just need to know how to identify which textures are problematic and why, and how ...
@dick hertz- Assisted with removal of smoke coverage above Armadillo and helped with Quality Assurance @LMS- This mod wouldn't be a here without LMS's work. Lenny's Mod Loader made this mod possible. LMS strived to help me and other people in the community in any way he co...
Worst patch so far. This one broke my game. Havent had a problem with any former updates. Launch Version was the best for me. Give me feedback guys if any of those things also happened to you. Edit: - Train smoke is also gone for me. ...
Hi friends, please leave your suggestions here. Make sure to like other suggestions as well, so we know what's important for all of you!
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Hi friends, please leave your suggestions here. Make sure to like other suggestions as well, so we know what's important for all of you!
I dunno the same magic that was there when you first played RDR1 just isn't here. I'm disappointed in how much the graphics have been downgraded as well. EditedOctober 26, 2018by FreeSmoke 6fangedcutthroatTV, saintsrow, Ojo muerto and2 others ...
Anyone else get the Steam Update yet? It was about 2.93GB and it broke my game. Currently reinstalling and will install mods one by one and see if I can get it playable. I see a little bit of smoke from the opening animation and then it freezes and crash