Save your current outfit Quickly equip saved outfits Reset all your components Change Ped Skin (see readme) Enable Multiplayer Assets (try changing your model tomp_maleormp_femaleusing our trainer to access them in all your glory) New!Change beard and hair length, untuck shirts and much more!
Personally I'd be more than happy to have the ability to remove the satchel and the offhand holster and be able to save this once and for all for certain outfits. So after all RDR 2 Outfit Changer in this state is a pointless Super Mod. It is like having a Ferrari without any Fuel...
Save your current outfit Quickly equip saved outfits Reset all your components Change Ped Skin (see readme) Enable Multiplayer Assets (try changing your model tomp_maleormp_femaleusing our trainer to access them in all your glory) New!Change beard and hair length, untuck shirts and much more!
- Spawn up to seven bodyguards, with customizable weapons and outfits. - Spawnable Van Der Linde gang members. - Revive mechanic: when they run out of health they won't immediately die, you have a short time to help them up. Crouch next to them for the 'Help' prompt to cime up....
This is the closest I could get to the original look using SP clothing only. To install: - Download Save Editor ( ) - Open your save - Go to Character -> Custom Outfits -> Saved Custom Outfit One from the drop down menu ...
Personally I'd be more than happy to have the ability to remove the satchel and the offhand holster and be able to save this once and for all for certain outfits. So after all RDR 2 Outfit Changer in this state is a pointless Super Mod. It is like having a Ferrari without any Fuel...