It isn't a weapon but rather a type of ammo for the bow, I think. You can check here: Thank you! Some missing ones: WEAPON_KIT_DETECTOR (w_electricfieldDetector01) New MP Weapons: WEAPON_LASSO_REINFORCED, WEAPON_MELEE_HAM...
m1899: pretty well depicted, but this gun was a prototype and it wouldn't be available to the public in 1899. nothing changed though. lancaster : increased accuracy. it actually handles really smoothly. increased fire rate as well, for the same reason. increased damage just a little bit....
I'm looking for a mod that allows users to set their own custom prices through an ini file. Would this be possible? For instance, I could change the price of the meat I get from animals, the value of their skins, the value of their claws. I could set my
SUPP means Suppressed , that's the suppressed browning pistol 22 [i think R* is going to use/ or used some AGENT leftovers to Gta VI (suppressors or silencers were started using on guns since 1906 , browning pistol 22 aka Suppressed was created on 1985, so 1986 or 90s story i guess?
Is there a hotkey to immediately close the trainer windows? If you're in a window for like spawning a cougar you have to hit F5 like 3 times to get it out of the way. Not as far as I can tell. But, I was able to implement the functionality into it. I'm not much of a prog...
Semi-Automatic Pistol, Mauser Pistol, M1899 Pistol, Varmint Rifle, Bolt-Action Rifle, Carcano Rifle, Pump-Action Shotgun and Semi-Automatic Shotgun. In addition to the remaining ones I didn't talk about, Rockstar could add to RDR3: Colt Model 1851 Navy (already available in RDO), U.S... Is there anyone who has managed to get hold of atleast one of these PC exclusive contents? I am at chapter 2 and I still don't hav