Red Dead Online needs a lot of work in the content, patching and balancing departments. However, as a huge gun nut it's fun to think about what guns I'd like to see in future updates. The Old West and late 19th century were wild times for firearms development worldwide, and there ar...
I played with it for a few hours. I like it a lot actually, buy it needs some work IMO. I can't dismember NPC's with a shotgun point blank with this mod enabled. That's my only major issue with the mod so far. I like how NPC's don't instantly die from a tomahawk throw bu...
This mod tries to make gun fights more diverse, dynamic and interesting and keep them that way throughout the game. You will find NPCs stumbling when trying to run with hurt legs, getting the wind knocked out of them when getting shot, squirming on the ground when fatally injured, moaning...
What is the best way to find hashes? I have used RAMPAGE for certain hashes but that would be a nightmare to acquire all the hashes from RAMPAGE. I'd have to go around pointing a debug gun at stuff or something lol. Then you can't even log or copy to clipboard so I'd have...
If you kill him, he will drop the shotgun. Secret melee weapons Ancient Tomahawk: It is found stuck in a target on the east side of Calumet Ravine, east of the Wapiti Indian Reservation. Antler Knife: It is found stuck in a dead bear, northwest of Hanging Dog Ranch. Broken Pirate ...
Players who choose Red Dead Redemption 2’s Naturalist character class have an extra edge in hunting these elusive critters with the Legendary Animals Map and Field Guide, but finding them takes a great deal of skill and luck as they live in secret areas, and some only come out at certain...
To earn a respectable amount of money, you’re going to have to do a lot of hunting aside from the usual rabbits.The first tip would be to use the right weapon when you’re hunting, if you use the wrong one, you’ll end up damaging the pelt of the animal. Let’s say if you ...
One such mod turns Arthur into a cowboy Superman while another trades horses for giant wolf, cougar, and boar mounts. A quality-of-life mod makes hunting much more efficient by implementing a hunting wagon to transport animal pelts. As the game’s community continues sharing ideas and in-...
Hopefully its just a case of getting used to things so I'll keep playing, but so far I havnt been that impressed. Although I do love hunting this time around its much more satisfying. I dunno the same magic that was there when you first played RDR1 just isn't here. I'm disappointed...
Best Way to Make Money RDR2 To make money making easy on you, we’ve compiled a list of the most lucrative—not to mention fastest—ways to earn it! Bounty Hunting Bounty hunting is perhaps the most lucrative way of earning precious Dollars in RDR2. Every small town has a local sheriff...