), Arthur has never looked more unique. A word of caution: The component system in RDR2 is very powerful and even many parts of your skin are components which you might need to toggle to make body parts (re)appear!
), Arthur has never looked more unique. A word of caution: The component system in RDR2 is very powerful and even many parts of your skin are components which you might need to toggle to make body parts (re)appear!
The MP stuff is a "Nice to have" but it is clearly not desinged for Arthur. It is clippping as F*** and lacks almost any physics. If I'd be smart enough to create Mods, I would definitly focus on the SP parts and try to merge them perfectly in the story mode. Less is More...
I noticed if i put the Elk code in the spawn peds section I can filter through the 'outfits' and spawn different colors of male and female elk. Same with the new multiplayer animals, for example, MP_A_C_Panther_01 I can only play as the black panther model but when I spawn it ...
Extra Hair Gives Arthur Micah’s long hair and a ponytail. This changes the max length middle parted style to be Micah’s hair and if you add pomade it becomes the messy ponytail used in multiplayer. Micah’s hair has clipping issues with hats sadly, but otherwise everything works well...
This mod adds 4 Preset outfits to your outfit changer. (Which is big time required) Nothing fancy here just some presets that I've manually setup, so you don't have to. the mod includes the Saint-Denis officer uniform for both john and Arthur, but also two preset for Deputy Sheriff. ...
Configuration Open the pimpmyhorse.ini file (found in your game folder) in a text editor to configure the mod where you can: Change the names of categories. Name your favourite clothing items to make finding them again easier. Manually edit/manage your saved outfits (although you can do thi...
THE MOD In the vanilla game rain doesn't have an impact on Arthur, but now with this mod everything will change! The mod adds a new core that represents how wet your clothes are, so that rain/snow/water are a threat and not a minor inconvenience. HOW DOE
How to add outfits using hash code? ByHappen, November 8, 2020inRDR2 Mods Discussion Share More sharing options... Followers0 Reply to this topic Start new topic
GSid009 November 13, 2019 Does anyone have the hex id's for the Gilded Cage Tux or Arthur's Guarma Outfit? I also have a complete list of all of the... All Activity Home Forums Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2 Mods Discussion Hex ID's For Rare Outfits G...