This mod allows you to enjoy it a little bit more, by adding the ability to use all kinds of seats. Features All common seats such as benches, chairs, etc are now interactable. Your character will start random scenarios while sitting, like drinking a beer or smoking a cigar. ...
Could anyone tell me the name of the naked lady in secret scene of the mission that drinking with Lenny? Not the one with Lenny's face Thanks 1 Quote RCPisAwesome 0 Posted December 25, 2019 Great list, it was very helpful! A few of the ped names seem to be cut off though:...
Hi friends, please leave your suggestions here. Make sure to like other suggestions as well, so we know what's important for all of you!
Jeb is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. Jeb is presumably a resident of Valentine, New Hanover. In "A Quiet Time", Arthur takes Lenny for a drink in Smithfield's Saloon to help calm him down after learning of Micah's arrest in Strawbe
Hi friends, please leave your suggestions here. Make sure to like other suggestions as well, so we know what's important for all of you!