(Note that you can reformat DVD-RW discs to switch between Video or VR modes any time you want, you'd just lose the shows already on a disc)The interface on the unit is good (although the remote layout could be improved). It's similar to but better than Sony's old high end VCRs...
我们不确定这是否与《荒野大镖客:救赎》(半重制版)有关,但我严重怀疑他们是否正在致力于将 RDR2 移植到 Switch 上。2021年 8 月 12 日:Kotuku 正式报道称,Rockstar Games 计划重制/重置《荒野大镖客:救赎》,但明确表示这将取决于... +2 分享1437 卓凯电子吧 卖PLC的大超人 RDR-80581AK7YOKOGAWA YD64-1A...
Vivaldi 移动版提供了快速切换搜索引擎的功能,在地址栏输入搜索引擎首字母可以切换到对应的搜索引擎,比如「b」代表 Bing、「d」代表 DuckDuckGo。 Vivaldi也提供了一些有助于提升网页浏览体验的实用工具,比如你可以在Vivaldi 移动版中实现网页自动滚动截屏,或者调用浏览器内置的笔记工具记笔记,笔记内容会通过Vivaldi 账户进...
You shall pay for your insolence. Oh wait…There is specific issue with the Android system: please try switching airplane mode on/off first and then create another action one minute later switching bluetooth on. That’s because in Android it is not possible to switch Bluetooth when Airplane mo...