如果您有問題或需要相關協助,請建立支援要求,或詢問Azure community 支援。 您也可以向Azure 意見反應社群提交產品意見反應。
使用Azure 入口網站進行疑難排解 使用Azure PowerShell 進行疑難解答 顯示其他 4 個 適用於:✔️ Windows VM 由於各種原因,Windows 型 Azure 虛擬機的遠端桌面通訊協定 (RDP) 連線可能會失敗,讓您無法存取 VM。 此問題可能是 VM 上的遠端桌面服務、網路連線,或主電腦上的遠端桌面用戶端。 本文會引導您完成一...
Check that the VM size is enough space for workloads and faster accessible. Check the NSG associated with the VM, and inbound rules allow RDP (TCP port 3389). Please refer to this troubleshooting document forTroubleshoot Remote Desktop connections to an Azure virtual machine I hope...
Before you troubleshoot Troubleshooting Magpakita ng 2 pa Applies to: ✔️ Windows VMsThis article can help you troubleshoot authentication errors that occur when you use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connection to connect to an Azure virtual machine (VM).Note...
This helps with remote troubleshooting and issue resolution, so IT staff won’t need to go directly to the computer experiencing the problem. However, with the rise of cybercrime have come warnings about the security of RDP. Moreover, several RDP alternatives have appeared on the market, many ...
To discuss issues we recommend to share your problem on our Tech Community forum (https://aka.ms/wvdtc) or open a support ticket after you have reviewed the troubleshooting options in our documentation (Windows Virtual Desktop troubleshooting overview - Azure | Microsoft Docs) We recommend to ...
Can you just verify the connectivity options in Connection Troubleshoot (Support + troubleshooting blade ) You also can use Azure Bastion to quickly see if it's an Azure related problem or not .
azure-cli 2.60.0 core 2.60.0 telemetry 1.1.0 Extensions: bastion 0.3.0 Have you looked at the Troubleshooting and Logs section? Yes Screenshots Additional context Steps to RDP/Bastion into these vms to unblock our development. The tutorial needs to have this updated as the new logical switch...
Additional Troubleshooting Steps Disable NLA on the remote machine: Open theControl Panel. ClickSystem and Securityand underSystem, clickAllow remote access. TheSystem Propertieswindow appears. Go to theRemotetab and in theRemote Desktopsection, clear theAllow connections only from computers running Remo...
Advanced Troubleshooting If you still can't connect with Royal TSX, pleasecontact usand include at least the following information: The exact error message you're receiving The Royal TSX and FreeRDP plugin version you're using OS and version of the remote machine you're trying to connect to ...