下面的屏幕截图显示,具有此新配置的RDP Wrapper在Windows 11上也可以正常工作。 尝试与您的计算机建立多个 RDP 会话(使用任何 RDP 客户端:mstsc.exe、rdcman 等)。 现在,您的 Windows 10 允许两个(或更多)远程用户同时使用不同的 RDP 会话。 RDPWrap工具在所有Windows版本中都受支持,因此您可以在任何Windows设备上...
I used my Microsoft account as the log in also I'm admin.Post instillation, I ran windows update.I next enabled Remote desktop and network discovery.I have attempted to remote desktop this Win 11 install from another Win 11 PC and I cannot figure out what the user-name and password for...
I have an existing Windows 10 Pro PC that I can remote desktop to from any other Windows PC without any issues.I just built a new Windows 11 Pro PC and have...
方法/步骤 1 点击桌面,选择在终端中打开 2 打开命令行终端,然后运行以下命令,进行安装xrdp,输入密码sudo apt-get install xrdp 3 提示是不继续执行,输入 y 继续执行 4 检查服务是否正常运行systemctl status xrdp 5 查看UOS的IP地址 6 请注意,记得要运行下面的命令,否则可能会出现卡顿或者黑频的现象sudo ...
解压后运行”install“文件安装并将其它文件复制到”C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper“目录下。运行“RDPConf“文件检查远程桌面开通情况,若Listener State这后显示【fully supported】说明远程桌面已开始并允许多用户同时登陆 但由于Windows系统一直在更新,软件的配置并没有随着更新,若这里出现红字,说明需要更新了新的配置文...
(然后通过组策略,配置登录脚本,创建文件夹,配置权限。映射网络驱动器) 参考 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/virtual-desktop/windows-10-multisession-faq https://blog.swineson.me/zh/windows-10-enterprise-for-virtual-desktops-install-and-testing/...
2、以管理员权限运行install.bat,会重启一次REMOTE DESKTOP服务,重新登陆之后,出现如下界面: 可以看到Successfully installed。 3、以管理员权限运行RDPConf.exe检测是否可用,如果安装的版本包含当前windows版本,可直接使用。 4、如果出现not listening [not supported]提示,说明安装的版本不支持当前的 windows 版本。
you still have to install windows to it! ah! lol. I selected xp from a list and thought that was all that was needed, turns out its just suggesting settings based on the selection. I'll just read up on this. I'm rushing into it without much thought here. ya I'm an idiot dude....
Problem Summary: I was running into an issue after attempting to RDP into my work laptop. After reading a few forums that suggested an uninstall/reinstall of RDP I am getting the following error upon trying to open the new install: "the remote…