摘要:恩智浦半导体RDK-S32R274开发工具包是一款用于评估S32R27雷达mcu的工具。该开发套件允许高性能雷达应用的快速原型化。RDK-S32R274开发工具包是为了支持高性能功能,如多输入多输出(MIMO)、可导向波束和数字波束。该开发... 恩智浦半导体RDK-S32R274开发工具包是一款用于评估S32R27雷达mcu的工具。该开发套件允许高...
预售商品 温馨提醒:图片仅供参考,商品以实物为准 对比 RDK-S32R274 品牌名称NXP(恩智浦) 商品型号 RDK-S32R274 商品编号 C20832082 包装方式 袋装 商品毛重 1克(g) 商品参数 参数完善中 数据手册PDF 放大查看下载PDF 梯度价格 梯度 售价 折合1袋
I want to purchase RDK-S32R274: S32R27 for varying my simulation-based model results by capturing measurement data in real scenarios for the automotive radar target and perform range doppler imaging for short-range radar. Can I capture the two-dimensional FMCW signal so I can do the range-...
Hi NXP Team, I've encountered a problem while i was trying to download S32 SDK for S32_PA RTM 3.0.3. I puttet a link that will take you to error message image. Thanks in advance. https://imgtr.ee/image/ogWbj Labels: S32 SDK for Power Architecture® ...
制造商型号:RDK-S32R274 制造商: NXP USA Inc. 产品类别:Active 商品描述:S32R274 EVAL BRD 详细说明:- 定价(未税) 数量单价总价 12828 库存数量:7 可立即发货发货时间:国内(1~2天)最小起订:1 单价:¥28总价:¥28 联系客服 规格参数 技术文档 ...
工具用于评估 S32R27 商标 NXP Semiconductors 数据总线宽度 32 bit 产品类型 Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors 资格 AEC-Q100 工厂包装数量 1 子类别 Development Tools 零件号别名 935378227598 商品其它信息 优势价格,RDK-S32R274的国内现货当天可发货,国外现货7-10天发货可发货。推荐...
1,145件の閲覧回数 onurkaratas Contributor I Hi NXP Team, I've encountered a problem while i was trying to downloadS32 SDK for S32_PA RTM 3.0.3. I puttet a link that will take you to error message image. Thanks in advance.
I've encountered a problem while i was trying to download S32 SDK for S32_PA RTM 3.0.3. I puttet a link that will take you to error message image. Thanks in advance. https://imgtr.ee/image/ogWbj Labels: S32 SDK for Power Architecture® 0...