AttributeError: ‘RDD‘ object has no attribute ‘toDF‘ df = rdd.toDF(["name", "age", "score"]) 1. 2. 我想使用RDD来创建SparkDataFrame,但是报错了 解决方案:增加三行代码,如下 from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession sc=SparkContext() SparkSession(sc) #利用SparkSession来使s...
However, there remains a limited number of studies on combining UAV-based road defect object detection with deep learning. There are several problems: (1) the current UAV-based detection datasets are limited for their number of samples, lacking representativeness and generalization capabilities; (2)...
The value of this attribute must be a URI reference. A URI reference may contain a URI part and a fragment identifier. PerXLink, when present the URI part must be an absolute URI. It provides a machine-readable identifier for thenatureof the related resource. Software may dispatch on this ...
java.lang.String objectName Class oracle.jbo.jbotester.action.EnterKeyAction extends AbstractJboAction implements Serializable Class oracle.jbo.jbotester.action.FinishTestAction extends AbstractJboAction implements Serializable Class oracle.jbo.jbotester.action.NewTestAction extends AbstractJboAction implements...