下面是将数据保存为Excel文件的代码。 # 创建一个Excel工作簿wb<-createWorkbook()# 创建一个工作表addWorksheet(wb,"Sheet1")# 将数据写入工作表writeDataTable(wb,"Sheet1",data)# 保存Excel文件saveWorkbook(wb,"path/to/output.xlsx",overwrite=TRUE) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ...
My Quotes My Quotes My European Quotes Watchlist Portafoglio Add/Edit Symbols View as Table RDRSF $0.001 UNCH Add a symbol to your watchlist Most Active By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site ...
[0-9]","", CPA_data$group)# 将上述提取的数据整合成画图所需的表格# Integrate the above extracted data into the table required for drawingplotdata = data.frame(rownames(score$sites), CAP1, CAP2, CPA_data$group)colnames(plotdata) = c('sample','CAP1','CAP2','Group') #为其加上...
Commits on May 8, 2023 Removing upgrade filesů jdrda committedMay 8, 2023 Upgrade to Laravel 10 jdrda committedMay 8, 2023 Commits on Apr 3, 2023 Update to Laravel 9 jdrda committedApr 3, 2023 Update to Laravel 9 jdrda committedApr 3, 2023 ...
The table below shows the pin functions of the ATTiny84 and ATTiny85 needed to upload sketch via USBAsp interface. @@ -145,7 +149,6 @@ void loop() ``` ### Installing ATtiny Core in Arduino IDE The ATtiny core board/plataform can be installed using the Arduino IDE boards manager. ...
# data2 <- read.table("data2.txt") RDA分析和排序图绘制 5. RDA分析本身实现很简单,一行代码即可。 res <- rda(data1 ~ . , data2) 6. 下面进行一些画图前的数据处理,注意这里使用factor函数的levels参数只是为了改变ggplot2中legend的顺序从而和原图保持一致,默认强况下画出的图ORG在CON下方 ...
What are dietary reference intakes? Understand how DRI, RDA, EAR, UL & AI work in nutrition, and why are they important. See what does RDA stand for in nutrition. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) Meaning Estimated ...
创建服务:“sysapp_table.h” / "dvb_guiobj_table.h" / "atv_guiobj_table.h" “服务”与“回调” 1、不同服务的“共享菜单” 2、切换到不同的服务,动态加载对应的UI:如“多媒体服务” 3、窗口“句柄”与“回调”管理:“app_guimgr. ide ico 标签页 句柄 i++ 转载 mob604756fda125 2017-08...
The puppet of the animal is adjusted so that it does not touch the table. The strings coming out of the body of the puppet weigh on the fingers of the artist sitting next to the coffee table. When the musician activates his fingers while playing the composition with the instrument, the ...
tab <- table(mydata$Group , newGroup) #绘制混淆矩阵 tab erro <- 1-sum(diag(prop.table(tab))) #计算误判率 erro plot(tab) #可视化 tab1 <- table(mydata$Group , newGroup1) #绘制混淆矩阵 tab1 erro1 <- 1-sum(diag(prop.table(tab1))) #计算误判率 ...