摘要: 本实用新型公开了一种在石油地震勘探中使用的惯性压电水陆通用检波器.它是在压电陶瓷片的两面各装一质量相等的惯性体,并在惯性体上开有孔洞.阻抗匹配器装在引线上.它既克服了动圈检波器放置易受多种条件的限制,水中易倒伏等缺点,又解决了压电检波器陆上不能使用,浅水中灵敏度低等问题,并实现了水陆通用....
PURPOSE: To reduce card cost per issued amount by continuing the use of a prepaid card without restricting the use of the card even when a printing area on the main surface of the card is filled with printing data before the payable balance becomes O YEN in a prepaid card transaction proce...
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