package: name: librdkafka version: 2.3.0 epoch: 1 description: "The Apache Kafka C/C++ library" copyright: - license: BSD-2-Clause environment: contents: packages: - build-base - busybox - ca-certificates-bundle - cmake # - bsd-compat-headers - linux-headers - lz4-dev - openssl-dev...
An initial version of an integration with Schrodinger's coordgen library is included. This produces much better 2D coordinates for complex molecules. Thanks to the move to modern C++ the RDKit is now faster and uses less memory A number of improvements were made to the PDB reader v2 of the...
Random House for High School Teachers | Catalog | The Balkans by Mark Mazower The home of the Transactions of the Wessex Institute collection, providing on-line access to papers presented at the Institute's prestigious international ... T Balkans - 《Modern Library》...
Board with 1−1/2 ″ x 1−1/2 ″ Copper Surface ÉÉ L = 1/2″ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ Board Ground Plane 4 MUR550APFG, MURD550PFG, MUR550PFG, MURF550PFG, NRVUD550PFT4G, 100 100 10 10 1.0 150°C 1.0 150°C 0.1 0 125°C 25...
1999;24:240-247) were then used to model the biomechanical response to retraction of the head in the sagittal plane (the “chin-tuck” position). Rear-impact loading of the cervical spine (Spine. 2001;26:1252-1258) forces the head and neck into an S-shaped curvature (Spine. 1997;21:...
Meffert, The Pisanos spent three weeks in N H O afraid the plane would explode, the hospital, with Frank recovering J Y guided her to safety it. At this from six broken bones in his back S E T point, traffic had e to a stop, and and Janan recovering from five. R U O two ...
ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual–Inertial, and Multimap SLAM. IEEE Trans. Robot. 2021, 37, 1874–1890. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ruetz, F.; Hernández, E.; Pfeiffer, M.; Oleynikova, H.; Cox, M.; Lowe, T.; Borges, P. OVPC Mesh: 3D Free-Space...
[36] implemented in the SLEPc library [37]. Computations of the pseudospectra provide insight into the behavior of the resolvent of the discretized operator function Fh, allowing us to evaluate its spectral stability. For the singular value [7, Def. 2.10] computations we used SLEPc [37]. The...
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION k8s-master Ready control-plane 20m v1.25.0 k8s-node1 Ready work 19m v1.25.0 k8s-node2 Ready work 19m v1.25.0测试网络1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [root@k8s-master ~]# kubectl run busybox --image --image-pull-policy=...
(20), and at each end, by a driving link (51, 52), each pivotally mounted to said gear on the fixed structure and said plate means, characterized in that the plane of the articulated lever a connecting rod assembly and associated baffle plate and substantially perpendicular to said ...