but rather as a terrifying weapon. It all started with the Nazi designed V-2 rocket. Although the A4 engine at the heart of the V-2 was not the first liquid-fueled rocket engine developed, it was certainly the first reliable one to reach space by crossing ...
液体火箭发动机需要把液体推进剂泵入燃烧室,在刚刚过去的1月21日,美国Rocket Lab公司已经发射成功了一枚“电子火箭”,由锂电池提供电能,两台50马力电机分别驱动煤油和液氧泵,9台发动机,18台电动机,合计功率662千瓦,将液氧和煤油泵入燃烧室,使得液体推进剂的泵送方式又有了创新! 但对于大推力、高性能的液体火箭发动机...
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology has been used to assess the exhaust plume pollutant environment of the RD-170 engine hot-firing on the F1 Test Stand at Marshall Space Flight Center. Researchers know that rocket engine hot-firing has the potential for forming thermal nitric oxides (...
Speed 170’, Full 720’, 500 MPHEAC 15; KAC 15; Cover FullHP 85 (21) Hardness 19Attack (collision) 5d6 (DC 27)Modifiers -12 Piloting, (-15), Auto Control, Mass Transportation x2Passengers 5 crew (1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot, 2 Stewards, 1 Engineer), 895 medium sized Passengers (Common...
RD-170系列火箭发动机(英文:RD-170 Rocket Engine )是俄罗斯РД-170高压补燃循环煤油/液氧火箭发动机,由俄罗斯动力机械科研生产联合体为了能源号运载火箭设计及生产。 发展共有超过10种改进型和衍生型号,推力涵盖190吨~1000吨。是有史以来最强大的火箭发动机。
Often referred to as the "most powerful rocket engine in the world," RD-170 was designed to propel the first stage of the super-heavyEnergiarocket. As part of a reusable transportation system, RD-170 was designed to fire as many as 10 times. A similar engine designated RD-171 was intend...
Engine description The RD-0146 became the first Russian rocket engine without a gas generator, and it was also equipped with extendable nozzle extension without a coooling system and it was capable of multiple firings and thrust control in two planes. According to KBKhA, the lack of generator...
和后续火箭发动机相比较,RD-170为24.5 MPa,RD-191为26.1 MPa,航天飞机的主发动机(Space Shuttle main engine,下文简称SSME)为20.5 MPa,可以说这个室压是非常高了。海平面比冲达到301秒,与之相比较,同样为毒发的RD-253海平面比冲为285秒,同等推力级别的F-1发动机的海平面比冲为263秒,真空比冲为301秒。